
World War II
A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
U.S. Army in World War II
Over 80 volumes that cover the entire European and Pacific Theatres of War during the Second World War. Includes accounts of the major battles such as D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge. Other volumes deal with logistics, the Women's Army, etc. 1950.
D 114.7: Vol. 1-77
Historical Study Series
A study dealing with the German Army in World War II based on their experience in Russia. Includes books on airborne operations, Geramn anti-partisan operations, etc. 1955.
D 114.19/3:63
Klaus Barbie and the united States Government: A Report to the Attorney General on the United States
A brief history of Klaus Barbie's career in the Gestapo during World War II, his appointment to the french city of Lyon, a report that after the war the U.S. Government paid Barbie and others accused of war crimes against Russia in return for help in avoiding prosecution for their crimes against humanity. 1983.
J 1.2: B23/2
After the day of infamy
This website presents opinions from over 200 people across the United States recorded in the days and months following the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the subsequent declaration of war by the United States. 2002
Alleged Nazi War Criminals
Discusses the U.S. Government's failure to prevent the entry of Nazi War criminals into the U.S. and the Justice Department's exploration of allegations that Nazi war criminals were residing in the United States. 1978.
Y4.J89/1:95/39/Pt. 1-2
Army Air Forces In World War II
Detailed history of the United States Army Air Force from January 1939 to August 1945. 1948.
D 301.82:Vol. 1-7
Army Air Forces in World WAr II Combat Chronology 1941-1945
This book gives a day-by-day chronology of the missions of various Air Force fighter and bomber units in Europe and the Pacific during World War II. 1973.
D 301.82:C 73/941-45
Breaking codes, breaking barriers: the WACs of the Signal Security Agency, World War II
The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) was established amid controversy on May 14, 1942. This is the story of some of the women who were part of the secret war of codes and codebreakers during World War II. 2001.
D 101.2:C 64
Standing Fast: German Defensive Doctrine on the Russian Front During World War II
An account of various defensive methods used by the outnumbered German Army against Russian counter attacks on the Eastern Front. Covers the period from June 22, 1941 until March 1943. 1986.
D 104.11:5
Medical Department, United States Army in World War II
Sixteen volumes that give statistics of the Medical Department during World War II such as types of injuries, causes of death, types of surgery performed, etc. 1966.
D 104.11:vols.
The United States at War: Development and Administration of the War Department by the Federal Government
Gives an account of how the U.S. Government ran the country and the economy during World War II. Includes mobilizing labor, preparing for defense, materials and more. 1946.
Pr 33.111:1
International Military Tribunal-Trial of the Major War Criminals
Four hundred fifty-six microfiche that cover the Nuremburg War Crime Trials from 1946 to 1949. Describes crimes committed by the Nazi's. 1947.
M 105.2:C86/v.1/p. 1-107 thru vol.42/P.650-end. Microfiche.
Neuremburg Trials-Green Series, Volume 1 1946-1949
One hundred eighty-five microfiche that cover the War Crimes Trials of Nazi War criminals in Neuremburg, Germany from 1946-1949. 1971
D 102.8:v-1/cd.1 thru v.15/cd.12
The organization of ground combat troops
Studies on the origins, organization and mobilization of ground troops for combat; organization and training of new ground combat elements; and reogranizing for redeployment. 2004.
D 114.7:AR 5/2/2004
Pearl to V-J Day
A symposium sponsored by the Air Force History and Museums Program and the Air Force Historical Foundation on World War II in the Pacific covering strategies, methodologies, operations and military technology. 2000.
D 301.82/7:P 31
The United States Army and World War II: an overview
Set of 3 CDs: Disc 1. Reader's Guide; Disc 2. Pictoral Records; Disc 3. The campaigns. 2003.
D 114.21:W 19/2/V.1-3/SET 3/CD
World War II inter-allied conferences
1 CD-ROM. Minutes of high-level conferences in which President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill formulated strategy with the Combined Chiefs of Staffs. Offers insights into managing a global coalition war. 2001.
D 5.22:C 76/CD
The war against Japan
A pictorial record of the war against Japan in World War II. 2001.
D 114.7:P 58/V.3/2001
Periodical Articles
"Joachim Peiper and the Deep Attack."
Armor November-December 1989. Vol. 98, No. 6 pp.26-30. an account of the small unit led by SS Colonel Joachim Peiper during the battle of the bulge, whose mission was to capture key bridges for the German advance.
D 101.78/2:98/6
"The Third Reich's Third Front."
Military Review December 1987. Vol. 67, no. 12. pp. 58-65. An article on German espionage rings in Central and South America during World War II and how all but one was effectively foiled by American and British intellgience services.
D 110.7:67/12
"Hans von Seeckt: One Man Who Made A Difference."
Military Review December 1987. Vol. 67, no. 12. pp.76-81. A look at how Hans von Seeckt was instrumentla in transforming the defeated German Army of World War I into the formidable war Machine of World War II.
D 110.7:67/12
"Air Power In the Battle of the Bulge."
Air Power Journal Winter 1989. Vol.3, No.4. pp.10-31. Retells how the lack of Allied Air support led to American defeat early in the Battle of the Bulge and how it eventually was the decisive factor in the German defeat.
D 301.26/24:3/4
"Soviet Tank Commanders: The Other side of the Eastern Front."
Military Review November 1987. Vol. 67, No. 11. pp.12-25. An account of some of the lesser-known Soviet World War II tank commanders and their accomplishments.
D 110.7:67/11
Illinois Publications
Illinois in the Second World War
A two-volume set that gives information on Illinois' contributions to World War II, including manpower, raw materials, and more. 1951.
ILLINOIS 940.53 WATT v.1 and v.2
Related Websites
Hyperwar- A Hypertext History of the Second World War
Has information about political papers, treaties, and all branches of the armed service. This website also has detailed information about the Pacific and European theaters of operations.
World War II in Europe Timeline
Timeline in separated into years for easy access. Also has photos and more than 100 links.
Experiencing War: Stories from the Veteran's History Project, WWII
War, in their own words...this site from the Library of Congress links to interviews, memoirs and photos from our soldiers and servicemen. Organized by name and theme.
Subject Guides
- FDLP LibGuides
- Abortion
- Adoption
- Advertising and the Law
- Affirmative Action
- Agriculture
- Alcohol and Related Problems on Campus
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative Medicine
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Animal Research and Humane Care
- Asset Forfeiture
- Aviation Safety
- Capital Punishment
- Censorship - Nonpolitical
- Censorship - Political
- Child Abuse
- Child Care
- Children and Television
- Citizenship & Immigration Services
- Cloning
- Confined Animal Feeding Operations
- Cookbooks
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Cybercrime
- DNA Testing of Criminals
- Domestic Violence
- Drinking and Driving
- Drone Warfare
- Drug Legalization
- Drug Testing
- Earthquakes (Illinois)
- Eating Disorders
- Elder Abuse
- Electronic Surveillance
- Endangered Species and Wildlife Conservation
- Euthanasia
- Federalism
- Financial Crisis
- Flag Desecration
- Gangs
- Global Warming
- Gulf War Illness
- Gun Control
- Hate Crimes
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Health Care Reform
- Homelessness
- Home schooling
- Homosexuals in the Military
- Intellectual Property
- JFK Assassination
- Juvenile Justice
- Korean War
- Learning Disabilities
- Literacy
- Methamphetamine
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Operation Desert Shield/Storm
- Police Misconduct
- Pornography
- Prison Reform
- POW and MIAs
- Problems of Adolescence
- Product Liability
- Rape
- Reproductive Technology
- Same-Sex Marriage
- School Prayer
- School Violence
- Seat Belts
- Sexual Harrassment in Education
- Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
- Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- Small Business
- Space Exploration
- Terrorism
- Tobacco
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Vietnam War
- Violence in Mass Media
- Welfare Reform
- Women in Business
- World War I
- World War II
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