
Occupational Safety and Health
A Guide to Selected Government and Legal Information Available
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
Occupational Safety and Health Laws in the United States, Mexico, and Canada: An Overview
This cooperative activity of the U.S., Mexico, and Canada describes each country's occupational safety and health laws in an effort to develop effective safety and health programs. This report utilizes compensation, social security, and labor laws of each country, case law, and relevant literature. 1999
L 35.2:OC 1/21
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
The OSHA website offers statistics and inspection data, OSHA manuals, memos, documents, current news, laws, and regulations."
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
The NIOSH website features a wealth of NIOSH resources, including research information, Health Hazard Evaluations, NIOSH Alerts, criteria documents, fact sheets, Federal Register Notices, reports to Congress, hazard IDs, state activities, news, and databases. Occupational safety and health information can be obtained by topic.
Health Hazard Evaluations: Noise and Hearing Loss 1986-1997
A summarization, organized by industry, of Health Hazard Evaluations conducted by the Health Hazard Evaluation and Technical Assistance Program from 1986 to 1997.
HE 20.7114:N 69/3
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
An explanation of the microbiological safety practices recommended for laboratories dealing with agents infectious to humans. 1999
HE 20.7002:B 52/999
Job Safety and Health Quarterly
In the official magazine of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, you will find timely and informative articles about safety in particular industries and in small businesses, workplace violence, ergonomics, OSHA training opportunities, and much more.
L 35.9/3:
Construction Industry Digest
One of many OSHA publications that are designed to introduce employers, supervisors, and safety and health personnel to particular OSHA safety and health standards. This booklet presents often overlooked, hazardous situation standards relating to the construction industry.2002
L 35.2:C 76/7
Some of the OSHA booklet topics available on the web and in paper include:
Hand and Power Tools, L 35.2:H 19/998
Materials Handling and Storing, L 35.2:M 41/2/998
Working Safely with Video Display Terminals, L 35.2:V 66/997
Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens, L 35.2:OC 1/13/998
OSHA Fact Sheets
These fact sheets are available via the web and offer brief, general descriptions of such topics as workplace fire safety, bloodborne pathogens, carbon monoxide poisoning, asbestos, and back injuries, to name a few.
L 35.24:
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
This National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) document presents in tabular format general industrial hygiene information, including chemical structures, carcinogens, exposure limits, and respirator recommendations. 2005
GOVCDROM. HE 20.7129:C 42/2005
Criteria For a Recommended Standard: Occupational Noise Exposure
Findings of the NIOSH reevaluation of occupational noise exposure standards and recommendations for implementation and evaluation of hearing loss prevention programs. 1998
HE 20.7110:N 69
Elements of Ergonomics Programs: A Primer Based on Workplace Evaluations of Musculoskeletal Disorders
This publication is meant to help small- and medium-sized businesses establish an ergonomics program. The seven elements found in a successful program are explained and examples from actual NIOSH evaluations are given. 1997
HE 20.7102:EL 2/3
Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss: A Practical Guide
This nontechnical guide provides basic information and practical solutions for maintaining a workable hearing loss prevention program. 1996
HE 20.7108:OC 1/4/996
Worker Deaths in Confined Spaces: A Summary of Surveillance Findings and Investigative Case Reports
Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluations and national incidence of confined space fatalities data over a ten-year period are examined to prevent future fatalities. 1994
HE 20.7102:W 89/9
Manual for Measuring Occupational Electric and Magnetic Field Exposures
This manual is a collection of assessment methods for occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields in a standard format, with a summary and an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of each. 1998
HE 20.7108:EL 2/2
Accident Prevention, The Focus of SAFE
This hearing explores OSHA reform efforts and examines ways in which the Occupational Safety and Health Agency is failing in its duty to regulate America's safety laws. Proposed legislation, the Safety Advancement for Employees Act, would increase the number of worksite inspections possible and would encourage employers to comply voluntarily. 1999
Y 4.L 11/4:S.HRG. 106-53
Illinois Government Information
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, 1997 Epidemiologic Report
A statistical look at the occupational fatalities and the occupational-related illness fatalities that occurred in Illinois in 1997.
ILLINOIS 614.5999 ILLI 2 99:2
Legal Information
"Looking Down the Road: An OSHA Ergonomics Standard from the Enforcement Perspective"
This article contends that an OSHA ergonomics standard would be difficult to enforce because a performance standard is likely to be challenged as vague, inspection abilities and resources are likely to be insufficient, and mandatory enforcement by state OSHA plans is likely to be resisted.
Employee Relations Law Journal. Vol. 25, No. 2 Autumn 1999 pp. 39-52
Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety
This comprehensive, four-volume set is a must for anyone needing occupational health information. It provides a broad overview of known problems and possible solutions to keep work sites healthy. Volume One presents information on diseases of the human body, including detection, prevention and legal, ethical, and social issues. Volume Two is devoted to hazards, while Volume Three contains data on chemicals and common hazards by industry. Volume Four is an assortment of tables, indexes, and guides. 1998
LEGL REF RC 963 .A3 E53 1998 v. 1-4
Subject Guides
- FDLP LibGuides
- Abortion
- Adoption
- Advertising and the Law
- Affirmative Action
- Agriculture
- Alcohol and Related Problems on Campus
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative Medicine
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Animal Research and Humane Care
- Asset Forfeiture
- Aviation Safety
- Capital Punishment
- Censorship - Nonpolitical
- Censorship - Political
- Child Abuse
- Child Care
- Children and Television
- Citizenship & Immigration Services
- Cloning
- Confined Animal Feeding Operations
- Cookbooks
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Cybercrime
- DNA Testing of Criminals
- Domestic Violence
- Drinking and Driving
- Drone Warfare
- Drug Legalization
- Drug Testing
- Earthquakes (Illinois)
- Eating Disorders
- Elder Abuse
- Electronic Surveillance
- Endangered Species and Wildlife Conservation
- Euthanasia
- Federalism
- Financial Crisis
- Flag Desecration
- Gangs
- Global Warming
- Gulf War Illness
- Gun Control
- Hate Crimes
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Health Care Reform
- Homelessness
- Home schooling
- Homosexuals in the Military
- Intellectual Property
- JFK Assassination
- Juvenile Justice
- Korean War
- Learning Disabilities
- Literacy
- Methamphetamine
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Operation Desert Shield/Storm
- Police Misconduct
- Pornography
- Prison Reform
- POW and MIAs
- Problems of Adolescence
- Product Liability
- Rape
- Reproductive Technology
- Same-Sex Marriage
- School Prayer
- School Violence
- Seat Belts
- Sexual Harrassment in Education
- Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
- Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- Small Business
- Space Exploration
- Terrorism
- Tobacco
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Vietnam War
- Violence in Mass Media
- Welfare Reform
- Women in Business
- World War I
- World War II
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