
Learning Disabilities
A Guide to Selected Government and Legal Information
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: Learning Disabilities
This online article states the definition and treatment of Learning Disabilities, and provides information about what research is being done and where to find more information.
National Institute of Neurological and Disorders and Stroke: Dyslexia
This online article provided by National Institutes of Health, contains information about Dyslexia which is a learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written material.
Adults with Learning Disabilities
This ERIC digest looks at current definitions of Learning Disabilities, the experiences of adults with learning disabilities, factors influencing their successful adjustment to adult life, and strategies for adult educators and counselors.
Programs at Higher Education Institutions for Disadvantaged Precollege Students
This report provides survey data on precollege programs for disadvantaged students at higher education institutions. This survey was intended to obtain information about programs at higher education institutions that are designed to increase the access of educationally or economically disadvantaged elementary and secondary students to higher education. 1995.
ED 1.328/5:D63
Learning Disabilities: Organizations and Resources
This reference circular describes sources of information for persons with learning disabilities, their families, and professionals. Section I of the circular is an annotated, alphabetical listing of organizations including information clearinghouses, research institutions, referral agencies, and advocacy groups. Section II is a selective bibliography of materials dealing with learning disabilities. May 1997.
LC 19.4/2:97-01
Learning Disabilities in the United States:Advocacy, Science, and the Future of the Field
This overview offers a perspective on the distinguishing characteristics, past and present, of the Learning Disabilities(LD) field in the United States. The discussion focuses on the complex relationships that exist among the social and political forces existing in LD advocacy, research, and teaching practices and emphasizes the need to establish clinical and scientific validation of LD in order to preserve the hard-won achievements of advocacy. 1993.
HE 20.3352:L47/2
Vision for an ideal system: Improving Services to Adults With Learning Disabilities
This publication presents the findings of a 2 1/2-day focus group to design an "ideal" model for services to adult basic education participants with learning disabilities. 1997
Y 3.L 71:2 V 82
Oversight of the Department of Education and the National Institute of Mental Health: Current Approaches to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders
This hearing explores the diagnosis, treatment, future directions, and educational impacts of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders. 1996
Y 4.G 74/7:ED 8/12
Learning Disabilities and Your Child
This article gives an overview of the different types of learning disabilities and tips for parents to recognize and compensate for these difficulties.
State Magazine. No. 431 December 1999 p. 31, 35
S 1.118:431
Professional Development: Incorporating Advances in Teaching
This hearing examines the prevalence of learning disabilities in our nation and the future direction of teacher training to better identify and treat them. 1998
Y 4.L 11/4:S.HRG. 105-658
Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
This publication presents the program and abstracts of a 2 1/2-day conference. Issues addressed include scientific evidence, ADHD's impact, treatment, and future directions. 1998
HE 20.3046:AT 8/PRO
Digest of Education Statistics
Tables provide statistical data on the education of children, including learning disabled children. Statistics offer insight into numbers of LD children exiting educational systems, postsecondary education and employment status of learning disabled individuals, LD enrollment in federal and state supported programs, LD classification under the IDEA, and LD distribution by educational environment.
ED 1.326: Most current edition now online at
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Implications for the Criminal Justice System
This article seeks to educate law enforcement personnel about ADHD. Studies indicate that individuals with a history of ADHD symptoms in childhood and antisocial tendencies in adolescence are significantly more likely to interact with the criminal justice system than are members of the general population.
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Vol. 66, No. 6 June 1997 pp. 11-16
J 1.14/8:66/6
Legal Information
"Silent Segregation in Our Schools"
This article argues that grouping students by ability segregates and harms minorities and those children placed in the lower tracks.
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. Vol. 34, No. 2 Summer 1999 pp. 517-545
Evans v. Board of Education of Rhinebeck Cent. School Dist
This case, brought by a mother of a dyslexic child against a school district, alleges that her son was not given a "free, appropriate education" as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The facts and testimonies of the case offer insight into how a dyslexic learns.
930 F. Supp. 83.(1996)
Capistrano Unified School Dist. v. Wartenberg By and Through Wartenberg
Evidence that high school student's bad behavior, including impulsiveness, rebellion against authority, and poor performance without immediate feedback, was primarily caused by attention disorder, not willful bad conduct, was sufficient to establish that student was entitled to benefits under IDEA.
59 F.3d. 884 (1995)
Illinois School Law Survey(5th ed.)
This book of commonly asked questions about Illinois school law contains a chapter on children with disabilities and special education arranged in a question and answer format. 1998
LEGL REF KFI 1590. A16 I45 pp. 238-273
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This Act mandates that all children with disabilities have access to a free and appropriate education. In this Act, "disability" is defined in section 1401(26) to include specific learning disabilities.
20 USCA section 1400 et seq.
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