
A Guide to Finding Government Information
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
There is no dearth of government information regarding cooking, food, diet, recipes, or nutrition. There is an online cookbook from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute - actually more than one, podcasts on food safety, a food safety guide on Turducken, and videos on how to prepare food from the Food Safety Inspection Service, including how to prepare a beef brisket. From our library, you may peruse or borrow publications on how to make preserves (USDA), cook for one or two (VA), cook for groups (DoD)/(USDA), cook seafood (NOAA)/(Bureau of Commercial Fisheries) or slaughter and butcher a pig (USDA).
Search Tips:
Mix and match these terms in searching the library catalog, WestCat , or use them to search journal articles and law reviews via the library's Databases page. You can also use them to search government information sites listed on our Starting Points page - click the tab and pay particular attention to the Top Six.
- cookbook
- cooking
- food
- vegetables
- recipes
- nutrition
- diet
- obesity
- diabetes
Search Engines
Use these search engines to search for government information by typing "site:gov" in the search box preceding your search terms:
- site:gov "cookbook"
- site:mil recipes
Federal Government Information
Nutrition tips, meal plans and recipes are available at this USDA site. You can also use the SuperTracker to create a personalized nutrition and fitness plan and track your progress over time.
Nutrient and Health Benefits of Vegetables
Use this website to determine how many servings of fruits and vegetables your body requires, then check out the tips on incorporating more of them into your diet. 2011
Quick and Easy Commodity Recipes
Collection of recipes gathered especially for Native Americans who receive commodity foods. Also a great source for those who cook for a large number of people. Recipe categories include appetizers, main dishes, and desserts. 1990.
A 1.68:1449
The Healthy Heart Cookbook
Discusses basic facts about cholesterol, maintaining a healthy balance in food selection, shopping wisely, and entree modification. Recipes are provided by Master Sergeant Rey Olivio, a cook with the United States Armed Forces. 1990.
D 301.2:C77/2
Recipes for Kids
Recipes compiled for active, healthy children to promote good nutrition habits. Offers tips concerning menus for brown bags, teen food issues, growth in appetites, additives and more. 1990.
D 301.2:R24/3
The Admiral Loves to Cook
An entertaining look at cooking, hosting, and, most importantly, food. Prepared by a rear admiral of the U.S. Navy, this book draws upon the authors public health background. Recipe areas include brunch, appetizers, first courses, main dishes, pasta and vegetables, plus "yummy desserts." 1996.
HE 20.2:AD 6
Down Home Healthy Cookin'
Prepared by the National Institutes of Health, this booklet provides recipes for Southern foods w/ significantly lower calories, reduced fat, and generally healthier eating. Some recipes included are New Orleans Red Beans, Mixed Greens, and Baked Pork Chops. 1999.
HE 20.3152:C77/2000
Celebre la Cocina Hispana: Healthy Hispanic Recipes
Cookbook of traditionally Hispanic cooking with significantly lower fat and calories. Recipes include Cucumber Soup, Mango Delight, and Seafood Stew. All text is printed in both English and Spanish. Prepared by the National Cancer Institute. 1996.
HE 20.3152:R24/3/996
Breads, Cakes, and Pies in Family Meals
Includes tips on baking, storing and freezing baked goods. Recipes include quick breads, yeast breads, cakes, cookies, and pies. 1979
A 1.77:186/4
Making Food Dollars Count: Nutritious Meals at Low Cost
Sample menus for a family of four, tips on preparing shopping lists, and recipes are all included in this publication. 1989
A 1.77:240
Heart-Healthy Home Cooking African American Style, 2008 online version
A collection of African American favorite recipes prepared lower in fat. Choose from breads, vegetables, and side dishes; main dishes; and beverages and desserts. 1997
HE 20.3202: H 75
Illinois Government Information
Country Cooking in Illinois
Recipes from the Illinois Blue Ribbon Culinary Contest at the Illinois State Fair. 1989
ILLINOIS 641.59 I29g 1989
Grown From the Heart in the Heartland Cookbook: a Collection of Illinois Product Recipes
This cookbook includes recipes from appetizers to desserts using Illinois agricultural products. 2006
ILLINOIS. 641.59773 GROW
Green Corn and Violets: Amerindian Recipes for Camp and Kitchen
An adventure in cooking, the recipes herein include ingredients such as acorns, honey, venison, beans, green corn, frog legs, and fish.
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