
Drug Testing
A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publication Library
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
Hair Analysis As a Drug Detector
A comparative study of hair analysis and urinalysis suggesting that hair analysis detects extended cocaine use accurately, while urinalysis seems to better indicate the
presence of codeine. Both were equally effective in testing for marijuana usage. 1995
J 28.34: H 12/2
Random Drug Testing Manual
Help with establishing a random drug testing program. 1991
TD 7.8: D 84
Department of Labor
Much information on drug testing in the workplace can be found on the Department of Labor webpage, which contains a handy search tool.
Criminal Justice System Urine Drug Testing Programs in Drug Use Forecasting (DUF) System Cities: A Preliminary Study
A survey identifying justice system drug testing in 21 cities. 1994
NCJ 150884 microfiche
A Comparison of Urinalysis Technologies for Drug Testing in Criminal Justice
This report compares drug testing procedures currently used in the criminal justice system and measures the accuracy of these technologies to assist criminal justice
professionals and agencies. 1991
NCJ 132397 microfiche
"Hair Analysis for the Detection of Drug Use in Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Populations"
This article compares the results of radioimmunoassay (RIA) hair analysis with urinalysis results and contends that RIA analysis can be a valuable tool for identifying
illegal drug use in the criminal justice system, especially if used in conjunction with urinalysis.
Federal Probation. 1991. Vol. 55 No. 1 pp 3-10
JU 10.8 55/1 or as microfiche NCJ 133407
"The Patch: A New Alternative for Drug Testing in the Criminal Justice System"
A study indicating that there are clear advantages to using a newly-devised sweat patch in the place of conventional urinalysis.
Federal Probation. 1994. Vol 58 No. 2 pp. 29-33
JU 10.8: 58/2 or as microfiche NCJ 150496
"Recent Developments in Urinalysis Law"
By reviewing numerous court cases, this article examines the military drug testing program and the special rules created by the Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces that
are designed to protect the accused soldier.
The Army Lawyer. 1996. No. 280, pp. 58-61
D101.22: 27-50-280
"Prevalence of Drug Testing in the Workplace"
A look at the increase of drug testing in U.S. workplaces and the implementation of different kinds of drug testing programs. November 1996.
Monthly Labor Review. November 1996. Vol. 119 No. 11 pp. 35-42
L 2.6:119/11
Cutting Edge Issues In Drug Testing and Drug Treatment
This hearing explores drug treatment and drug testing technologies, successful treatment strategies to determine whether these successes can be used elsewhere, i.e.,
within government employment.
Y 4.G 74/7:IS 7
Integrating Drug Testing Into A Pretrial Services System: 1999 Update
This update reflects new and future drug testing technologies, such as hand-held testing devices and the sweat patch. It also contains ways to combat specimen tampering
and fluid loading and legal rulings regarding pretrial drug testing. 1999
J 26.30:D 84/999
Pretrial Drug Testing: An Overview of Issues and Practices
This Bulletin offers a historical look at drug testing in the criminal justice system, an explanation of the technologies used, and a general cost overview. 1999
J 26.32:P 92
How To Best Obtain Drug-Free Workplaces
This hearing seeks ideas to increase the number of drug-free workplaces nationally without subjecting employees to intrusive tests with questionable results. Contains many
illegal drug use statistics and charts, information about the different kinds of abused drugs, and the choices in drug testing. 1998
Y 4.SM 1:105-45
Legal Materials
Drug Testing Legal Manual
In addition to a drug testing overview, this two-volume set includes info on methods, technological issues, laws, pre-employment testing, urinalysis of students and of
criminals, alternatives to drug testing, and public and privateemployees. 1996
LEGL REF KF 3890. Z 44 1996
Drug Testing Law, Technology and Practice
Updated by supplements, this treatise offers advice on establishing a drug testing program, reviews the various test types, and discusses laboratory error. Included are all
relevant federal and state statutes and a wealth of further resources.
LEGL REF 3540.E 93 1990
Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988
Law requiring all recipients of federal grants to maintain a drug-free workplace.
41 USCA 701 et seq.
Drug Testing Program
Illinois law establishing county drug testing procedures as they relate to bail, probation, and possession of a controlled substance.
725 ILCS 5/110-6.5
Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton
Drug testing of a student athlete was declared constitutional. 1995
132 LEd2d 564
Parker v. Atlanta Gas Light Co.
A District Court's ruling that an employer did not violate the Constitution by discharging an employee who had failed a urinalysis drug test. 1993
818 F.Supp 345
"The Constitutionality of Random Drug Testing of Student Athletes Makes the Cut...But Will the Athletes?"
The constitutionality of random drug testing for student athletes is discussed here, in light of Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton.
Journal of Law and Education. 1996. Vol. 25 No. 1 pp. 190-198
"Drug Testing in the Private Sector and Its Impact on Employees' Right to Privacy"
Article surveys important court decisions and state statutes that limit or allow drug testing.
Labor Law Journal. December 1994. Vol. 45, No. 12 pp. 731-748
"The Evolution of Workplace Drug Screening: A Medical Review Officer's Perspective"
Article dealing with economic theories and ethical issues surrounding the multibillion dollar drug testing industry from a physician's unique perspective.
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Fall 1994. Vol. 22, No. 3 pp. 240-246
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