
Citizenship & Immigration Services
A Guide to Selected Government and Legal Information
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
Executive Office for Immigration Review.
This agency's mission is to "administer and interpret Federal immigration laws and regulations through court proceedings, appellate reviews, and administrative hearings". From their website, you can access immigration court addresses, EOIR forms, statistics, and publications.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
There's a lot of information here, but it concerns only illegal immigration or smuggling.
Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair employment Practices.
This Department of Justice office investigates allegations of job discrimination based on an individual's immigration status. Their web site provides facts and forms, outreach tools, and news for immigration-related unfair employment practices.
The Unites States Department of Homeland Security
The US Department of Homeland Security puts out information about Border and Transportation Security as well as Citizenship and Immigration Services including statistics and procedural information.
Criminal Aliens: INS' Efforts to identify and Remove Imprisoned Aliens Continue to Need Improvement.
Discusses the Immigration and Naturalization Services'(INS) efforts to initiate and complete removal proceedings for criminal aliens in state and federal prisons though its Institutional Hearing Program.1998
GA 1.5/2:T-GGD-99-47 (Microfiche, online)
Illegal Aliens: Significant Obstacles to Reducing Unauthorized Alien employment Exist.
Discusses the enforcement problems confronting the Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS) related to aliens illegally entering, remaining or working in the U.S. 1999
GA 1.5/2:T-GGD-99-105 (Microfiche, online)
INS and the Executive office for Immigration Review.
The purpose of the hearing was to discuss an oversight in Immigration and Naturalization Service along with the entities and personnel.
Immigration Policy: An Overview.
This hearing discusses America's great strength and its openness to new ideas and people.
Legal Information
America's Newcomers: Mending the Safety Net for Immigrants
This report reviews the federal welfare reform debates and the blurring of lines between legal and illegal immigrants in that debate.1998
LEGL REF JV 6495 .A 46
"The Unconstitutionality of Nonuniform Immigration Consequences of 'Aggravated Felony' Convictions"
In this note, the author analyzes the "Aggravated Felony" provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which requires the deportation of noncitizens convicted of a number of crimes under federal or state law. 1999
New York University Law Review. Vol. 74, No. 6 pp.1696-1740
"Mentally Disabled Citizenship Applicants and the Meaningful Oath Requirement for Naturalization"
Mindful of the fact that Congress has charged INS with maintaining and enforcing a set of standards for admission to citizenship, this author explores alternative means that the agency could employ to satisfy Congressional concerns regarding naturalizing potential citizens whose mental impairments preclude them from taking a meaningful oath of allegience. It is his conclusion that the INS's mission would not be compromised by admitting applicants with severe mental disabilities to citizenship if it can be shown that the applicant poses no threat to national security. 1999
California Law Review. Vol. 87, No. 4 pp. 1017-1049
"Can Courts Confer Citizenship? Plenary Power and Equal Protection"
This article argues that the Supreme Court does have power to grant citizenship in certain cases and analyzes a recent case, Miller v. Albright. 1999
New York University Law Review. Vol. 74, No. 5 pp. 1376-1406
Steel on Immigration Law 2d
Intended to assist attorneys, this volume provides an overview of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and related statutory and case law. Forms and documents are also provided. 1999
LEGL REF KF 4819 .S732 2012
U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization Handbook
This handbook offers a comprehensive guide to U.S. citizenship and naturalization law and application procedures. 1999
LEGL REF KF 4710 .Z 9 N 37 1999
The University of Louisville: Brandies Law Journal
This issue talks about Immigration in the post 9-11 era, reflections on international Migration and Temporary workers and Immigration.
Brandies Law Journal v. 40 n. 4
United States Immigration Policy: Detaining and Deporting the Muddled Masses.
The Human Rights Magazine gives people the chance to read and/or learn about the different things that are important to others.
Human Rights v. 28 n. 1
"Symposium: United States Immigration Policy At the Millennium"
Three articles in this issue discuss deportation and were presented at a recent Harvard conference on immigration policy.
Harvard Law Review. Vol. 113, No. 8 June 2000 pp. 1889-1998
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