
Animal Research and Humane Care
A Guide to Selected Government and Legal Information
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
Animal Care: Safeguarding the Welfare of Animals
A look at the efforts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal Care program (AC). AC administers the Animal Welfare Act and the Horse Protection Act. 1999
A 1.38:1558 microfiche
Licensing and Registration Under the Animal Welfare Act: Guidelines for Dealers, Exhibitors, Transporters, and Researchers
A listing of the major types of business regulated and exempt from regulation by the USDA. 1999
A 1.68:1117/999 microfiche
APHIS Animal Care
From this website of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, you can find information on major animal welfare legislation, the Animal Care program, news and information, and links to other animal care-related sites.
Alternatives to Animal Testing
This website is a clearinghouse for information regarding alternatives to using animals in research. Included are links to reports, papers, and periodicals relavent to the cause.
Animal Welfare Information Center
This website offers information for improving animal care and use and research, teaching, and testing. It includes information on legislation, alternatives to research, access to the Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin and other publications.
A 17.27/2:
The Family Pet Protection Act and the Pet Safety and Protection Act
A look at allegations that pets are being stolen for use in medical research. In this hearing, those present examine the depth of the problem, and the impact of the proposed legislation, particularly on research. 1996
Y 4.AG 8/1:104-37
FDA Veterinarian
This periodical offers bi-monthly information on FDA regulatory actions, drug approvals, and general animal welfare. 1986-present
HE 20.4410:
Environmental Enrichment for Nonhuman Primates Resource Guide January 1992-February 1999
This resource guide is intended to help researchers understand applicable current law and develop ideas to improve the lives of research primates. 1999
A 17.27/3:5
Using Animals in Intramural Research: Guidelines for Investigators and Guidelines for Animal Users
This manual provides the training and the background necessary for National Institutes of Health intramural investigators and animal users to ensure humane treatment of research animals. 2000
HE 20.3008:AN 5/3/2000
Review of U.S. Department of Agriculture's Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act, Specifically of Animals Used in Exhibitions
This hearing questions whether the Animal Welfare Act is being properly enforced and whether adequate protections exist for animals used in movies, rodeos, zoos, parks, and circuses. Testimony is presented from Bob Barker, host of "The Price Is Right", and Kim Basinger, actress, among others. 1992
Y 4.AG 8/1:102-75
Selected Web Sites for Biomedical, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Animal Sciences
A list of websites containing information on alternatives to animal use in research and federal government animal-related information. 1999
A 17.27:98-02
Legal Information
"'Unnecessary Suffering': The Cornerstone of Animal Legislation Considered"
A look at the phrase "unnecessary suffering" in legislation, its legal interpretations, and its effectiveness in protecting animals from abuse.
The Criminal Law Review. September 1999 pp. 702-713
Humane Care for Animals Act
This Illinois Act defines animal owners' duties, cruel treatment, prohibitions and procedures relating to animals, and punishments for violation of the Act
510 ILCS 70 et seq.
Illinois Animal Welfare Act
This Act provides licensing and registration of animal dealers.
225 ILCS 605/1 et seq.
Animal Welfare Act
An Act requiring humane handling, care treatment, and transportation of animals held for sale or to be used in research or exhibited to the public. It also sets stiff penalties for sponsors of outlawed animal-fighting ventures. 1966
7 USCA 2131, et.seq.
Punishing Depictions of Animal Cruelty
This Act amends Title 18 of the U.S. Code and deems it a crime to create, sell, or possess any visual depiction of animals being tortured with intent to gain commercially. 1999
Public Law 106-152; 113 STAT 1732
Horse Protection Act
This Act prohibits "sored" horses (those with a chemically or mechanically enhanced gait) from participating in exhibitions, competitions, sales, or auctions. 1970
15 USCA 1821-1831
"The Role of the Rational and the Emotive in a Theory of Animal Rights"
This article argues against the theory that there is a single conceptual basis for the granting of legal rights and contends that emotion should be considered in analyzing animal rights issues.
Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review. Vol. 27, No. 1 Fall 1999 pp. 1-41
Subject Guides
- FDLP LibGuides
- Abortion
- Adoption
- Advertising and the Law
- Affirmative Action
- Agriculture
- Alcohol and Related Problems on Campus
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative Medicine
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Animal Research and Humane Care
- Asset Forfeiture
- Aviation Safety
- Capital Punishment
- Censorship - Nonpolitical
- Censorship - Political
- Child Abuse
- Child Care
- Children and Television
- Citizenship & Immigration Services
- Cloning
- Confined Animal Feeding Operations
- Cookbooks
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Cybercrime
- DNA Testing of Criminals
- Domestic Violence
- Drinking and Driving
- Drone Warfare
- Drug Legalization
- Drug Testing
- Earthquakes (Illinois)
- Eating Disorders
- Elder Abuse
- Electronic Surveillance
- Endangered Species and Wildlife Conservation
- Euthanasia
- Federalism
- Financial Crisis
- Flag Desecration
- Gangs
- Global Warming
- Gulf War Illness
- Gun Control
- Hate Crimes
- Hazardous Waste Disposal
- Health Care Reform
- Homelessness
- Home schooling
- Homosexuals in the Military
- Intellectual Property
- JFK Assassination
- Juvenile Justice
- Korean War
- Learning Disabilities
- Literacy
- Methamphetamine
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Operation Desert Shield/Storm
- Police Misconduct
- Pornography
- Prison Reform
- POW and MIAs
- Problems of Adolescence
- Product Liability
- Rape
- Reproductive Technology
- Same-Sex Marriage
- School Prayer
- School Violence
- Seat Belts
- Sexual Harrassment in Education
- Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
- Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- Small Business
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- Tobacco
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Vietnam War
- Violence in Mass Media
- Welfare Reform
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- World War I
- World War II
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