
Alcohol and Related Problems on Campus
A Guide to Finding Government and Legal Information
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Search Tips:
Mix and match these terms in searching the library catalog, WestCat , or use them to search journal articles and law reviews via the library's Databases page. You can also use them to search government information sites listed on our Starting Points page - click the tab and pay particular attention to the Top Six.
- alcohol
- college
- campus
- prevention
- binge drinking
- driving under the influence
- underage drinking
- hazing
- date-rape
- gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
- rohypnol
- campus crime
- assault and battery
- academic performance
Related Topics:
- sexual assault
- driving under the influence
An important source for many research topics is Congress. Congressional committees and subcommittees hold hearings on a wide variety of controversial and timely subjects. Simply add the word "hearing?" to a search string in WestCat .
Search Engines
Use these search engines to search for government information by typing "site:gov" in the search box preceding your search terms:
- site:gov college drinking
- site:mil binge drinking
Law Review Articles and Annotations
Law reviews are an important resource for legal topics like this one. They can lead you to laws and cases as well as discuss legal theory. A few law journals are indexed in multidisciplinary databases, but the best bang for your buck will be to search Nexis Uni for full-text access to many hundreds of law reviews.
Federal Government Information
Rethinking Drinking: Alcohol and Your Health
This website offers tools to help you make informed choices about consuming alcohol and offers strategies for changing behavior to avoid the harm that alcohol can cause.
College Drinking
This website from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism provides cursory statistics on crimes and injuries related to college drinking and talks about prevention programs.
Problem Analysis: the First Step in Prevention Planning
This short guide walks you through the process of analyzing and responding to the problem of substance abuse for your particular institution. 2009
Building an Infrastructure for AODV Prevention: Coalitions and Statewide Initiatives
This guide describes the process of building coalitions with local communities to deter disruptive off-campus activities, such as large parties. 2010
Student Party Riots
This in-depth cummunity-oriented policing guide focuses on preparing police for handling student party riots. 2006
Binge Drinking
This video defines binge drinking and discusses the socio-economic factors and risks associated with it. It also covers strategies for prevention.
Strategic Planning for Prevention Professionals on Campus
This step-by-step guide for strategic planning on the problem of college drinking is for university administrators. 2008
Secondary Effects of Heavy Drinking on Campus
This brief guide discusses the major effects of heavy drinking, focusing on criminal behavior. 2008
Under the Influence: the Binge Drinking Epidemic on College Campuses
This hearing provides statistics and discussion on alcohol use by college students, its effects, related problems, and programs for prevention and intervention. 2002
Y 4.G 74/9:S.HRG.107-553
Illinois Government Information
Illinois Hazing Act
This Act sets forth a definition of and the penalties for hazing in the state of Illinois.
720 ILCS 120 et seq.
Legal Information
Haben v. Anderson
This case stems from the 1990 death of a Western Illinois University LaCrosse Club initiate by acute alcohol poisoning resulting from hazing activities.
597 N.E.2d 655
A Sobering Conflict: the Call for consistency in the Message Colleges Send About Alcohol
This article discusses the mixed messages that colleges and universities are sending college students by trying to educate them on the effects of alcohol abuse while at the same time selling advertising for NCAA sporting events. 2010
Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal, vol.20, p. 1389, via Nexis Uni
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