
Hate Crimes
A Guide to Selected Government Information
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
Hate Crimes Reported By Victims and Police
This Bureau of Justice Statistics special report provides statistics on bias crime prevalence and cites race as the primary motivation for the crimes. 2005
Uniform Crime Reports/Hate Crime
Federal Bureau of Investigation site offers statistical reporting by state, bias motivation, offense category, and race. 2004
Hate and Bias Crimes
Office for Victims of Crime website features links to various helpful websites, including the Anti-Defamation League, among others.
Study of Literature and Legislation on Hate Crimes In America
This final report of a federally funded grant analyzes effective practices and gaps in law and research concerning hate crime. 2005
Responding to Hate Crimes and Bias-Motivated Incidents on College/University Campuses
This guide contains case studies and highlights of some of the best practices regarding hate crime. 2003
J 1.2:H 28/2003
Arab and Muslim Civil Rights Issues in the Chicago Metropolitan Area Post-September 11
A report of the Illinois Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights provides transcribed statements and testimonies of presenters at a two-day community forum. Chapter two reports on post-9/11 hate crimes in the city of Chicago.
Hate Crime on the Internet
A Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focusing on the ramifications and prevalence of internet hate and recommendations to shield children from exposure to it. 1999
Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG.106-803
Hate Crimes on Campus: The Problem and Efforts to Confront It
This monograph addresses the prevalence of hate crimes on campus, who is targeted, what kinds of crimes are committed, the frequency and impact of the occurrences, and the factors which determine whether a hate crime has occurred. It also examines several promising prevention programs as well as the differences between hate crime and bias incidents. 2001
J 26.30:H 28/4
Hate Crime: The Violence of Intolerance
This CRS bulletin provides examples of CRS hate crime cases, best practices recommendations, and related publications and resources. 2001
J 23.3:H 28/2001
Responding to Hate Crime: A Multidisciplinary Curriculum for Law Enforcement and Victim Assistance Professionals
This comprehensive training package is intended to educate law enforcement, victim advocates, and community-based organizations on today's best responses to hate crime.
Illinois Government Documents
Governor's Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's website containing state and federal statutes, publications, resources by area, organizations, training opportunities, and programs designed to assist those seeking information on hate crime.
"We Shouldn't Forget Those Who Put Illinois in a Negative Light"
By remembering Illinois' contributions to hate- - white supremacists Benjamin Smith and Matthew Hale, for example -- Illinoisans can better recognize their successors. Illinois hate group statistics are given, as are ten ways to fight hate.
Illinois Issues. Vol. 25, No. 10 October 1999 pp. 6-7
Legal Information
"Hate Crimes Law"
One-stop shopping for state and federal statutes and cases that address bias-motivated crime. Appendices include forms and statistics.
LEGL REF KF 4749.H38 2006
"A Rage Shared By Law: Post-September 11 Racial Violence As Crimes of Passion"
This article provides an overview of the racial violence that has occurred following September 11, including individual hate crimes and governmental actions, and questions whether America is ignoring a steady stream of violence directed at Arabs, Muslims, and South Asians long after September 11.
California Law. Vol. 92 No. 5 October 2004 pp.1259-1330
"Papers of a Symposium on Hate Crime Legislation: Hate Crimes--Propriety, Practicality, and Constitutionality"
An entire issue devoted to various topics concerning hate crimes. 1992/93.
Annual Survey of American Law, 1992/1993, No. 4 pp.483-636
"Fighting Words and Fighting Freestyle: The Constitutionality of Penalty Enhancement for Bias Crimes"
This article argues for penalty-enhancement statutes, concluding that they do not unnecessarily restrict free expression. 1993.
Columbia Law Review, Vol. 93, No. 1 pp.178-230
"Penalty Enhancement for Bias-based Crimes"
The US Supreme Court found a hate crime penalty enhancement statute to be constitutional in Wisconsin v. Mitchell (508 U.S. 47, 1993).
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Wntr 1994 Vol.17, No.1 pp.253-262
"Hate is Not Speech: A Constitutional Defense of Penalty Enhancement for Hate Crimes"
Examines First Amendment-based arguments against penalty-enhancement statutes, and argues that these statutes are constitutional. 1993.
Harvard Law Journal, Vol. 106, No.6 pp.1314-1331
"First Amendment- Penalty Enhancement for Hate Crimes"
Content regulation, questionable state interests and non-traditional sentencing are considered.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Wntr-Spring 1994 Vol. 84, No.4 pp.703-742
"The Social Construction of the Hate Crime Epidemic. Is hate crime an epidemic?"
This article considers whether violence motivated by race, gender, or ethnicity is on the increase.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Wntr 1996 Vol. 86, No.2 pp.366-391
"On Hate and Equality"
This essay argues that the wrongfulness of the actions and the moral blameworthiness of the criminal are not necessarily the only two factors to be considered when determining preventative measures for and punishment of hate crime. The author believes that bias crime legislation should protect those that are particularly vulnerable to crime and, thus, should afford differing amounts of protection based on need.
The Yale Law Journal. Vol. 109, No. 3 December 1999 pp. 507-539
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