
Product Liability
A Guide to Selected Government Information
Available at WIU's Government Publications Library
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
Assault Weapon Manufacturing Strict Liability Act 1990
Hearing and mark up on HR 3712, A bill to repeal D.C. Council Act 8-289, a law requiring strict liability and holding in tort the manufacturer, importer, or dealer of an assault weapon for damages, injury or death caused by the weapon in the District of Columbia. 1991.
Product Liability Standards
A hearing to establish a national uniform set of standards governing product liability lawsuits. 1994.
Y 4.EN2/3:103-105
Materials Supplier Liability and the Coming Crisis in Availability of Life-Saving Medical Devices
A hearing on product liability pertaining to raw material suppliers for life-saving medical devices. 1994.
Y 4.G74/9:S.Hrg. 103-679
Product Liability and Legal Reform
A hearing on the issue of product liability litigation and state laws. 1995.
Y 4.J89/1:104/4
Uniform Federal Product Liability Law
This is a bill to regulate interstate commerce by providing for uniform product liability law. 1992.
Y 4.J89/2:S.Hrg. 102-1047
The Product Liability Fairness Act
A hearing of proposed legislation on product liability that would make changes in the way courts conduct their business and in the way consumers will be able to seek redress for product related injuries. 1994.
Y 4.J89/2: S. Hrg. 103-1033
Impact of the Product Liability System on Small Business
A hearing on the product liability system and its effects on small business in the United States. 1992.
Y 4.SM1:102-77
Legal Reference
Illinois Product Liability Practice
Explains product liability law in Illinois. Gives examples on different kinds of product liability cases, and goes through the trial process itself. 1990.
LEGL REF. KFI 1397.7.I44 1990
Legal Periodicals
"Delayed Disclosure Leads to Loss: Apple Law Firm to Pay Keyboard Settlement While Co-Defendant IBM Wins Case."
Discusses a lawsuit involving repetitive stress injury (RSI) due to keyboards produced by Apple and IBM.
ABA June 1995. v81 p.36
"The Government Contractor's Defense to Product Liability Claims."
Provides a comprehensive analysis of the principle theories upon which government contractors may rely if made to defend a product liability action arising out of the use of equipment it has provided to the U.S.
Commercial Law Journal Spring 1994 v99 n1 p 64
"One Last Attempt at Liability for 'Vice' Products: A different Ending to the 'Willie Story' Story?"
Discusses the track record of alcohol cases and the legal basis of immunity for manufacture of alcoholic beverages.
Commercial Law Journal Spring 1994 v99 n1 p.108
"Consumer Expectations or Risk-Benefit Analysis: Which Test is Appropriate for Determining Liability in Design Defect Cases?"
Discusses ways for determining whether a product is defectively designed.
National Law Journal Jan. 23, 1995 v17 n21 pB4
"Litigation on Implants Moves to New Frontier; Jury says Dow Chemical is Liable for Silicone Related Company, Dow Corning."
A jury found Dow Chemical to be solely liable for implant injuries.
National Law Journal. Nov 13, 1995 v18 n11 pA10
"Defective Penile Implants Cited in Lawsuits."
Discusses the different penile implants used and the problems with existing with the implants.
Trial March 1994 v30 n3 p12-13
"Drug Manufacturer Stops Marketing Parlodel to New Mothers."
Discusses what Parlodel is and the litigation behind it.
Trial Oct 1994 v30 n10 p104
"Nail Guns: Speed Before Safety."
Discusses problems, cases and safer alternatives with nail guns.Trial Nov 1994 v30 n11 p46-50
"The Radial Arm Saw: Danger in the Workshop."
Discusses dangers, case studies, and alternatives with the radial arm saw.
Trial Nov 1994 v30 n11 p70-72
"Child Restraint Litigation: Compensating the Littlest Victims."
Looks at what goes into child restraint litigation.
Trial April 1995 v31 n4 p32-36
"Prozac Didn't Cause Killer's Rampage, Kentucky Jury Says."
The makers of Prozac were freed from liability for a Kentucky shooting. Also lists earlier cases made against Prozac.
Trial April 1995 v31 n4 p98-99
"Liquor Firm Not Liable for Student's Death, Court Says."
A court reverses a verdict against a liquor company that was partially responsible for the death of a college freshman.
Trial April 1995 v31 n4 p100
"Red Blood: Contaminated Plasma Sickens Users of Gammaguard."
Discusses what Gammaguard is, what went wrong with it and the current lawsuits against Gammaguard.
Trial Sept 1995 v31 n9 p12-13
"Cutting through the Paper Chase."
Discusses the work that goes into investigating a product liability case.
Trial Nov 1995 v31 n11 p48-52
"Breast Cancer Litigation: When is the Physician Liable?"
Discusses breast exams, high breast cancer risk groups and some case histories on breast cancer.
Trial Dec 1995 v31 n12 p46-50
Subject Guides
- FDLP LibGuides
- Abortion
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- Advertising and the Law
- Affirmative Action
- Agriculture
- Alcohol and Related Problems on Campus
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative Medicine
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Animal Research and Humane Care
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- Confined Animal Feeding Operations
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- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Cybercrime
- DNA Testing of Criminals
- Domestic Violence
- Drinking and Driving
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- Drug Legalization
- Drug Testing
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- POW and MIAs
- Problems of Adolescence
- Product Liability
- Rape
- Reproductive Technology
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- School Prayer
- School Violence
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- Sexual Harrassment in Education
- Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
- Sexual Orientation Discrimination
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- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
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