
Reproductive Technology
A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
The NIH Record: Complex Factors Underlie Infertility
A discussion of factors that may contribute to infertility. The role stress plays in infertility is examined and statistics are given. 1996.
HE 20.3007/3:48/6
FDA Consumer: Trying to Outsmart Infertility
Possible treatments for the infertile couple are examined: fertility drugs, artificial insemination, and other techniques. Tips on preventing reproductive problems, choosing a doctor, and testing for infertility are also included. 1991.
HE 20.4010:25/4
Fertility Clinic Services
A discussion of the progress made and the problems existing in the field of reproductive technology, including a call to certify embryo laboratories. 1992.
Y4.EN 2/3:102-120
Women's Health: Federally Funded Contraceptive and Infertility Research
This hearing explores contraception research and infertility and the federal role in such efforts. 1990.
Y4.EN 2/3:101-141
2003 Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates: National Summary and Fertility Clinic Reports
This data addresses questions about assisted reproducive technology success rates and treatment locations. The 2003 ART success rate report is published based on geographic region and includes a national report and fertility clinic reports by state. 2003.
This page from Medline Plus links to factsheets, news, and treatment technologies.
Legal Information
"Genetics, Reproduction, and the Law"
This interview with Lori Andrews, health law expert, discusses the legal and ethical implications of medical advances in genetics and reproductive technology.
Trial. July 1999 pp. 20-31
"Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the Pregnancy Process: Developing an Equality Model to Protect Reproductive Liberties"
This article examines disputes surrounding the disposition of frozen embryos and preconception agreements. Case law indicates that courts are awarding the disputed embryos to the party wishing to avoid procreation. The author, believing that this practice diminishes women's control over their early embryos, offers an alternative.
American Journal of Law and Medicine. Vol. 25, No. 4 1999 pp.455-477
Fertility Clinic Services Success Rate and Certification Act of 1992
This Act mandates reporting of pregnancy success rates of assisted reproduction and certification of embryo laboratories. 1992.
106 STAT. 3146, P.L. 102-493
Reproductive Technologies and the U.S. Courts
An analysis of U.S. court cases involving reproductive technologies and their implications on reproductive choice, mothers' versus fathers' rights, definitions and evaluations of parenting, and the nuclear family structure. 1997.
LEGL REF KF478 .A45 G45 1997 v.2
"Sex, Lies, and Health Insurance:Employer-Provided Health Insurance Coverage of Abortion and Infertility Services and the ADA"
This article addresses whether excluding coverage for infertility treatments and abortion from employer-provided health insurance violates the Americans with Disabilities Act and considers whether infertility and abortion are disabilities.
American Journal of Law and Medicine. Vol.22, No. 1, pp. 51-84. 1996.
"In Vitro Fertilization: Insurance and Consumer Protection"
This article makes recommendations promoting predictability and protecting consumers' ability to make rational and informed choices about insurance coverage and about In Vitro Fertilization treatment. Common law approaches to question coverage for IVF treatment and consumer protection issues are examined .
Harvard Law Review. vol. 109, No. 8, pp. 2092-2109. 1996
"New Law Born from Reprotech"
A look at the different types of lawsuits arising from reproductive technology and how the legal system is dealing with them. Some of the cases mentioned involve surrogacy, post-mortem insemination, motherly intent, and parental identification.
National Law Journal. Vol. 17, issue 38 p. 1A. May 22, 1995.
"Is Infertility an ADA disability?"
This article looks at whether infertility is considered to be a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Two pro cases and two con cases are analyzed and the ramifications of the debate on health care costs are examined.
National Law Journal. Vol. 19, issue 26 p. C1. February 24, 1997.
"Science and the Law: and Baby Makes Three...or Four...or Five: Assisted Reproduction
"This article focuses on consumer policy questions raised by assisted reproduction and discusses the potential role of public and private groups in addressing uncertainties. It gives recent events that illustrate the need for policies that protect consumers who are considering infertility treatment options.
Trial. Vol. 31, No. 12 p. 28-33. December 1995.
"An Analytical Framework for Resolving the Issues Raised By the Interaction Between Reproductive Technology and the Law of Inheritance"
Advances in reproductive technologies are impacting inheritance laws. This article examines the permissibility and consequences of bequeathing gametes, zygotes, preembryos and embryos and concludes that they are property and, thus, bestowable.
DePaul Law Review. Vol. 47, No. 4 Summer 1998 pp. 743-818
"Family Planning Through Human Cloning: Is There A Fundamental Right?"
This Note argues that the right to procreate protects procreative acts and, thus, includes assisted reproduction.
Columbia Law Review. Vol. 98, No. 6 October 1998 pp.1461-1515
"In Gestational Surrogacies, All Parties Bear Risk"
The article explains gestational surrogacy and the possible risks of each party, including altered agreements.
Trial. Vol. 33, No. 8 p. 38-42. August 1997
Dollywood Is Not Just a Theme Park in Tennessee Anymore: Unwarranted Prohibitory Human Cloning Legislation and Policy Guidelines for a Regulatory Approach to Cloning
The author proposes that cloning should not be banned in the U.S., only regulated. This article analyzes how cloning works and how it might be applied to existing reproductive technologies, Federal and State prohibitive legislation, and foreseeable legislative shortcomings, while offering guidelines for use in developing legislation.
John Marshall Law Review. Vol. 31, No. 2 pp. 1385-1422 Summer 1998
Subject Guides
- FDLP LibGuides
- Abortion
- Adoption
- Advertising and the Law
- Affirmative Action
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- Alcohol and Related Problems on Campus
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative Medicine
- Americans with Disabilities Act
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- Reproductive Technology
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- Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
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