
Juvenile Crime
A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library
Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.
Federal Government Information
Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Report
This thorough report examines the nature of juvenile crime in the U.S. by offering juvenile population characteristics, data on juvenile victims and offenders, an overview of the juvenile justice system, and many statistics. 1999
J 32.2:J 98/15/999
State Responses to Serious and Violent Juvenile Crime: Research Report
A state comparison of violent juvenile crime legislation passed between 1992 and 1995. 1996
J 32.2:ST2/4/996
Proposed Legislation for the Juvenile Crime Control and Delinquency Prevention Act
A hearing stressing accountability, responsibility, and early intervention in the lives of at-risk juveniles. 1997
Juvenile Arrests, 2009
Arrests and arrest rates by type of crime, age bracket, gender, race and year - going back in many cases to the eighties.
Preventing Crime and Promoting Responsibility: 50 Programs that Help Communities Help Their Youth
A catalog of 50 Federal crime prevention programs to assist in planning a similar program in your neighborhood. The eligibility requirements and organization of each program is featured. 1995
PR 42.8:C86/P92
Drug Use Forecasting: Annual Report on Adult and Juvenile Arrestees
This report examines crimes in various cities by age, sex, race, and drug use.
J 28.24/3:D84/6/yr.
What Works: The Efforts of Private Individuals, Community Organizations, and Religious Groups to Prevent Juvenile Crime
This hearing explains how various organizations have helped at-risk youth and includes testimony from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Salt Lake, among others. 1997
Y4.J89/2:S.Hrg 105-74
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
This website contains various statistics dealing with crime, including juvenile courts, corrections, and delinquency. 2003
J 29.9/6:2002 also at Gov. Pubs. desk
Understanding Violent Children
In this hearing, members of Congress attempt to understand what causes certain children to commit particularly deadly crimes. 1998
Breaking the Cycle: Predicting and Preventing Crime
A longitudinal study of various potential factors in juvenile crime: individual differences; family, school, peer, and community influences; criminal careers; and predictions of dangerousness. 1994
J 28.24/3:C99
Juvenile Justice Reform Initiatives in the States, 1994-1996: Program Report
This report gives causes for increased juvenile crime and examines the reality of juveniles and guns. It also offers ways to prevent juvenile crime, including curfews, parental responsibility laws, and boot camps. 1997
J 32.2:R25
Examining the Federal Effort to Prevent Juvenile Crime
A look at the effectiveness of current spending efforts in reducing juvenile crime. 1997
Y4.J89/2:S. HRG. 105-464
Violence by Young People: Why the Deadly Nexus?
This article examines the increase in violent crimes committed by youths. The article focuses on the increase in murders and examines connections to drug trafficking and the availability of guns. 1995
Current Issues Source File G107-10
Solving Youth Violence: Partnerships That Work
This website contains various speeches which discuss the problems of and solutions to juvenile crime.
Illinois Government Information
Trends and Issues
A thorough, statistical analysis of crime and justice in Illinois containing a section that deals specifically with juvenile crime. It presents an overview of the juvenile justice system and answers commonly asked questions. 1997
ILLINOIS 364.9773 TREN 1997 at Gov. Pubs. desk
Illinois Juvenile Firesetters Task Force Report
This report examines successful programs nationwide and recommends a program for Illinois. 1997
Illinois Juvenile Firesetters Task Force Report 1998
An analysis of the juvenile firesetting problem in Illinois and the help that is available, including statistics, classification of firesetters, danger signs, and recent changes to Illinois juvenile laws. 1998
ILLINOIS 363.377 ILLI 1998
Legal Information
School Crime and Juvenile Justice
This book examines the nature and causes of school crime by discussing research, laws and school policies, prevention, and at-risk/delinquent programs. 1998
LEGL REF LB 3013.3 L38 1998
"Breaking the Cycle of Juvenile Crime"
This article gives useful solutions and strategies for solving the growing problem of juvenile crime. 1998
Trial Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 36-41
"Waiver and Juvenile Justice Reform: Widening the Punitive Net"
Examines recent statutes that have been enacted and discusses their implications. 1997
Criminal Justice Policy Review. Vol. 8, No. 2-3, pp. 145-168
"Dennis the Menace or Billy the Kid: an Analysis of the Role of Transfer to Criminal Court in Juvenile Justice."
Examines the history and purpose of a separate juvenile court system and the constitutional protections available to juveniles. The factors for waiver to adult court are given. 1998
American Criminal Law Review. Winter 1998. Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 371-410
"Juvenile Crime, Grown Up Time"
This article shows how the juvenile justice system is changing because of the increase in juvenile crime. 1995
State Legislatures May 1995, Vol. 21, No. 5. pp. 14(6)
Illinois Juvenile Law and Practice
This handbook has a 1999 supplement reflecting current juvenile law and is written for the legal professional. Topics include an introduction to juvenile justice, jurisdiction transfer, neglected children, and Guardian ad Litem rights and responsibilities, among others. 1997
LEGL REF KFI 1786 .A6 I44 1997
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