Mental Math Workshop Handouts

All-Day Workshop

Handouts and PowerPoints from the workshop

Worksheets - can be cut into half-page handouts. Six strategies (6 half-page handouts) in each file.

  1. Set 1: 6wkshtsCntingOn-Mult-Div10.100-FrontEnd-DoubleUpTo20.docx
  2. Set 2: 6wkshtsCompatible-BreakApt-DivideBy5-Compensation-EqualAdditions-ProptnsWithDoublingHalving.docx
  3. Set 3: 6wkshtsDropZerosAddSubMult-Rounding-SubCompatibles-DbleNoUpto50-FrontendEstimation-Clustering.docx
  4. Set 4: 6wkshtsPartPartWh100-UseDoublingWhen2-MultByUnitFraction-25.50.75Percent-PartPartWh1Frac-ThinkQuarters.docx
  5. Set 5: 6wkshtsPercentW.OneNonZeroDigit-ZoomFocus-GreaterThan100Percent-TeensTimesTable-DiffOfSquares-HalfOfAFraction.docx

Prezi Presentations

Jim Olsen, Ph.D. ~ Western Illinois University ~
Tuesday, November 1, 2011, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Atkinson Regional Office of Education #28 ~ Atkinson, IL
Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Macomb Regional Office of Education #26 ~ Macomb, IL