Math 206 Page

Jim Olsen's Math 206 students, Fall 2012


TAP and CCSSM Links

Textbook Note

The MyMathLab version of the book is required. Students may purchase the physical book (in any form-I believe the bookstore will sell a regular book bundled with a MyMathLab code and will also sell a 3-ring binder version of the book bundled with a MyMathLab code) as an option. The book we are using is Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers by Billstein, 10th edition, 2010. Publisher: Pearson.

Worked Examples

Exam Preparation Tips

Click here>>for Study Plan Tips

Online Games, Practice, and Exploration Tools

Properties of Quadrilaterals

Volume and Surface Area

Transformation Applets

Geoboard applet

Angles applet

Platonic Solids

Reference Sheet

Boxplot Site

Converting Units

Mental math and estimation

IndexIndexIndex - many games and resources to choose from--organized by grade level.

Online Arithmetic Practice - Use the Right Hand Side to enter you answers online and have them checked. New questions when you Refresh.

NEW!"Reken Test" - great new program for practicing mental math. See video turn up speakers and view full screen:

General Practice Site

Online Mathematics Practice Worksheets/Quizzes and Review Resources

Expected Value Cartoon

Videos are .wmv filesVideos are .wmv files and should play automatically in Real Player, Windows Media Player, or similar player.

Back to Jim Olsen's homepage
James R. Olsen, Western Illinois University
E-mail: jr-olsen at
updated December 6, 2012