Study Plan Tips

Ideas for setting up a study plan for mathematics exams

  1. Make a Plan

A few days before the exam sit down with a sheet of paper and write out a study plan. A study plan is a list of activities you plan to do to prepare for the exam. Your study plan may include (you need not do all of these--you decide):

    1. Make a study guide which has the key ideas .
    2. Make flash cards.
    3. Study the flash cards.
    4. Study the flash cards with a friend.
    5. Making a page of questions (things you are unclear about).
    6. Get the questions answered.
    7. Write up solutions to types of questions you expect to see on the exam.
    8. Practice homework problems.
    9. Study with a friend.
    10. ...your own ideas....


  1. Carry out the Plan

In the days leading up to the exam do the activities in your plan.

    1. Check off the items in your plan as you do them. This is a confidence builder and having them all checked off when you go in for the exam will reduce test anxiety.
    2. Check off your questions as you get them answered. This is a confidence builder and having them all checked off when you go in for the exam will reduce test anxiety.
  1. Evaluate the Plan

After the exam evaluate the successfulness of your study plan, with the idea of making your next study plan better. Ask yourself questions such as (keep in mind that study plans that work for other students may not work for you and vice versa):

    1. Which activities were beneficial?
    2. Which activities need to be added?
    3. Which activities can be eliminated?
    4. What were my weak areas on the exam?
    5. Was the amount of time I studied sufficient or excessive?

The goal is to be able to make a reasonable study plan that works for you.

Comment: I have written up these tips. I would appreciate comments on this page, what has been successful, and suggestions for improvement.

See also Recommendations for taking a mathematics exam.

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Author: James R. Olsen
Western Illinois University