These are pages I've created to help teachers and students use the Texas Instruments Calculators.
Basic Statistics and Graphics - Mean, median, boxplots, histograms, etc.
Graphics Calculator Basics and Features to Learn - This is just a list of features teachers and prospective teachers should be familiar with.
Steps for using the TI-83+ for
finding regression models for data - Math
100 may find this useful for getting models.
Steps for using the TI-73+ for finding
regression models for data - The TI-73 is
similar to the TI-83, but more for middle school/Jr. High.
Transformations In the Plane - A program for the TI-83 for visualizing transformational geometry and linear algebra concepts. Download: TRANSFM.8XP. Instructions: TRANSFM.notes.rtf.
Quick Cabri Jr. Tips - Cabri Jr. is dynamic geometry software for the TI-83+ !! I provide a few quick tips for getting started.