University News

WIU College of Arts and Sciences Presents Faculty, Student Awards

April 25, 2019

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MACOMB, IL – The Western Illinois University College of Arts and Sciences presented its Spring 2019 departmental awards recently.

This semester's winners included:

University Research Council Awards

Summer Stipend Awards
• Assistant Professor Erica McJimpsey
– Chemistry

• Professor Peter Cole - History

Undergraduate Research Day, April 2019

• 91 projects (69 percent of total); 107 CAS students; 46 CAS faculty mentors

Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity Grants

• Fall 2018 and Spring 2019: Awarded 80 grants to support student research and conference presentations

John Hallwas Liberal Arts and Sciences Lecturer
• History Professor Richard Filipink

Title: "'It Depends Who Writes the History Henry' : History's Role in the Liberal Arts and Creating an Educated Citizen:
Sept. 11 in the Quad Cities and Sept. 12 in Macomb.

Outstanding Faculty Awards
CAS Outstanding Faculty Awards are presented to faculty who have shown exceptional expertise in providing WIU students with an outstanding education.

• Excellence in Teaching - College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching is Professor Christopher Morrow, WIU Department of English.

• Excellence in Research/Scholarly Activities: Professor Heather McIlvaine-Newsad, WIU Department of Sociology and Anthropology is this year's recipient of College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award in the category of Research/Scholarly Activities.

• Excellence in Service: Professor Christopher Pynes, WIU Department of Mathematics and Philosophy, has been chosen to receive this year's College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award in the category of Service.

• Excellence in Teaching with Technology: Professor Jim Olsen, WIU Department of Mathematics and Philosophy, has been chosen to receive this year's College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award in the category of Teaching with Technology.

• Excellence in Multicultural Teaching: Associate Professor Alisha White, WIU Department of English, has been chosen to receive this year's College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award in the category of Multicultural Teaching.

• Excellence in Undergraduate Research: Associate Professor Timothy Helwig, WIU Department of English, has been chosen to receive this year's College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award in the category of Undergraduate Research.

Outstanding Student Awards
• CAS College Scholar: Shea Fili
, a senior from London Mills, IL (Foreign Languages and Cultures)

• CAS Honorary Recognition Award for Humanities: Taylor Runquist, a senior from Plymouth, IL (History Pre-Law)

 CAS Honorary Recognition Award for Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Nicole Walker, a senior from Grayslake, IL (Forensic Chemistry)

• CAS Honorary Recognition Award for Social Sciences: Joseph Weigel, a senior from Sherrard (Political Science)

• CAS Student Organization Award: Biology Graduate Student Association

For more information about the WIU College of Arts and Sciences, visit

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