2012 Library News archive
New Items!
December 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of November, 2012 have now been listed!

Cookbooks Make Great Gifts
November 2012
The Western Illinois University Libraries Cookbook is on sale for only $10.00 and features over one-hundred recipes from faculty and staff members of all branches, past and present.

New Items!
November 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of October, 2012 have now been listed!

Weaving Historical Strands
November 2012
Come, see, and learn about the earliest evidence of weaving and the making of international textiles. Students from around the world will be on hand to model their traditional costumes.

New Items!
October 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of September, 2012 have now been listed!

Halloween Alert
October 2012
A zombie has recently been spotted looking for books in the library!

Open Access Week Celebration
October 2012
University Libraries will celebrate Open Access Week with a panel discussion on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 3 p.m. in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, Fourth Floor West.

Banned and Determined Challenge
September 2012
Banned and Determined game, created to inform, encourage and promote the freedom to read.

Voices of the Hennepin Canal
September 2012
Announcing the latest book in the New Western Illinois Monograph Series – "Voices of the Hennepin Canal"

Listening Party
September 2012
University Libraries’ very own Chuck Malone, will present our next Listening Party on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at Noon in room 180 of the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

New Items!
September 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of August, 2012 have now been listed!

Banned Book Celebration
September 2012
In honor of Banned Books Week, the Western Illinois University Libraries will again present "Banned and Determined," an evening of readings from censored, banned, and challenged books, on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 7 pm in the Leslie F. Malpass Garden Lounge.

How Do You Access Research Guides?
September 2012
Western Illinois University Libraries is recruiting undergraduate and graduate students to participate in an online survey.

University Libraries Welcomes Guest Lecturer
August 2012
Dr. Sheldon Stryker, distinguished faculty emeritus from Indiana University Bloomington, will visit the Macomb Campus on Thursday, September 13, 2012 as a guest lecturer.

Art and Self Perception
August 2012
University Libraries is coordinating a series of events and lectures for the 2012-13 academic year to promote events and happenings taking place across the Western Illinois University campus.

New Items!
August 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of July, 2012 have now been listed!

Midwest Users Health Video Experience
August 2012
The University Libraries’ Instruction Unit is pleased to present the Midwest Users Health Video Experience.

Patents & Trademarks 101
August 2012
A Free Seminar for Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Educators and Legal Professionals to celebrate WIU’s designation as a Patent and Trademark Resource Center will be held on September 13, 2012.

Malpass Mini-Golf
July 2012
University Libraries will host its first Malpass Mini-Golf fundraiser on Saturday, November 03, 2012 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

New Items!
July 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of June, 2012 have now been listed!

New Items!
June 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of May, 2012 have now been listed!

New Items!
May 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of April, 2012 have now been listed!

WestCat and I-Share Catalogs Down this Weekend
May 2012
From 10pm on Friday May 25 until 5pm on Sunday May 27, 2012, the WestCat and I-Share Catalog systems (both VuFind and WebVoyage Classic) will be offline while the production Oracle databases are migrated to the new CARLI Data Center.

Lincoln in Illinois
May 2012
University Libraries is hosting the Lincoln in Illinois, photographs and comments on Lincoln statutes in Illinois display, now through June 28, 2012, in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, 1st floor.

Nielsen Collection Celebration
May 2012
University Libraries will be celebrating the recently donated Nielsen Collection on 06/21/12.

New Items!
April 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of March, 2012 have now been listed!

Digital Commons Open House
April 2012
An open house to unveil the re-designed Digital Commons (Malpass library first level) will be held from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Thursday, April 26 in conjunction with Tech Fest 2012

Shaking the Heartland
March 2012
Dr. Leslie A. Melim, Professor of Geology, will present a talk on the New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811-1812 in the Garden Lounge of the Leslie F. Malpass Library on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM.

Binding Wounds, Pushing Boundaries: African Americans in Civil War Medicine
March 2012
University Libraries will host the Binding Wounds, Pushing Boundaries: African Americans in Civil War Medicine traveling exhibit from March 20, 2012 through April 24, 2012.

New Items!
March 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of February, 2012 have now been listed!

Distinguished Women Music Educators
February 2012
In celebration of Women in History Month, the Music Library will display an exhibit titled "Distinguished Women Music Educators" throughout the month of March.

Laboratory School Yearbook, Epilogue, Digitized
February 2012
University Libraries Digitization Unit has completed the digitization of the laboratory school yearbook, Epilogue.

New Items!
February 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of January, 2012 have now been listed!

Inaugural Kaspar Lecture
February 2012
Linda Godwin, a retired NASA astronaut, will deliver, "Life in Low Earth Orbit" at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 7, as the featured inaugural Dr. Elizabeth A. Kaspar Women's lecturer..

WIU Authors: Publications During 2011
February 2012
WIU Libraries is sponsoring the eighth annual WIU Author Recognition Reception on April 11, 2012. Submission forms are now available and all WIU authors are encouraged to complete the submission form by Friday, March 2, 2012.

African American Poetry Reading
January 2012
A poetry reading celebrating African American poetry will take place Wednesday, February 15, 2012 from Noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Gwendolyn Brooks Cultural Center.

University Libraries Annual Book Sale Coming Soon!
January 2012
Western Illinois University Libraries will be hosting their annual Book Sale Monday, February 6, 2012 through Thursday, February 9, 2012.

Birds, Birds, Birds!
January 2012
On Friday, February 3, 2012 University Libraries will host, "Birds, Birds, Birds!" reception celebrating multiple ornithological influences in the Leslie F. Malpass Library.

New Items!
January 2012
Newly acquired items for the month of December, 2011 have now been listed!

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