2008 Library News Archive
Donations for Annual Sale
December 2008
The Malpass Library is now accepting donations for its annual book and media sale.

New Items!
December 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of November, 2008 have now been listed!.

PHL Offline
November 2008
The library's Periodicals Holdings List and database full-text article linking service will be offline on Sunday, November 23, 2008 between 7:00AM and 10:00AM.

Health-Related Game Nite
November 2008
The final Game Nite of the semester will be held on Thursday, December 4th from 7 pm to 10 pm. This game night will have a focus on personal well-being and will feature fun games with a health-related theme.

Where does your Thanksgiving dinner come from?
November 2008
A convenient Thaksgiving guide to where the foods consumed at the traditional holiday dinner such as turkey, cranberries, squash, and green beans originate.

New Items!
November 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of October, 2008 have now been listed!.

Out of the Closet, into the Archives
October 2008
The Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Sexuality Series continues on November 12, 2008, with a lecture by David McCartney and K�ren Mason on the rewards and challenges of preserving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History; in the Malpass Library, room 180, at 2 pm.

From Queer to Gay and Back Again: GLBTQ Literature for Teens
October 2008
The Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Sexuality Series continues on November 17, 2008, with a lecture by Dr. Christine Jenkins entitled "From Queer to Gay and Back Again: GLBTQ Literature for Teens" in the Malpass Library, room 180, at 2 pm.

Native American Heritage Month Events
October 2008
November is Native American Heritage Month and in honor of this occasion Western's University Libraries, Department of English and Journalism, and Native American Indian Organization are sponsoring two events.

November Game Nite
October 2008
WIU Libraries will be hosting another fun-filled Game Nite on November 6, 2008 in the Malpass Library (3rd level) from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Sexuality Collections Lecture
October 2008
Lecture by Rick Storer, executive director of the Leather Archives & Museum, on October 16, 2008 at 2:00 pm in Malpass 180.

New Items!
October 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of September, 2008 have now been listed!.

Penelope Myrtle Kelsey Book Talk
October 2008
Book talk by Penelope Myrtle Kelsey, author of the recently-published Tribal Theory in Native American Literature. The event will take place on Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 4:30 pm in Taylor Hall, located at 121 South Randolph Street in Macomb�s courthouse square.

Art Lecture
September 2008
Art historian Keith Holz, an associate professor in Western's Department of Art, will be delivering a lecture about noted American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 2:00 pm in the Malpass Library, room 180.

Voter Information
September 2008
The Government & Legal Information Unit has put together a voter information PDF guide.

New Math Software
September 2008
Mathematica and SPSS Software Available on some Library Computers.

More Tutoring
September 2008
The University Advising & Academic Support Center is offering tutoring in a variety of subjects on the 2nd level of the Malpass Library

October Game Nite
September 2008
WIU Libraries will be hosting another fun-filled Game Nite on October 2, 2008 in the Malpass Library (3rd level) from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

2008 Celebration of Banned Books
September 2008
On Setember 30th 2008 at 7pm in room 180, WIU Libraries will present "Banned and Determined" a celebration of banned books.

Springfield Race Riot Centennial
September 2008
Western Illinois University History Department and University Libraries to host a lecture and traveling exhibit, throughout the month of October, marking the centennial of the Springfield Race Riot.

The WIU Sustainability Commette Donates Books
September 2008
The Sustainability Committee has donated a collection of some of the most noteworthy recent books on climate change and the environment to the University Libraries.

Tutoring in the Malpass Library
September 2008
The Writing Center will be offering tutoring at the Malpass Library!.

New Items!
September 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of August, 2008 have now been listed!.

Virtual Book Club
August 2008
The new WIU Book Club is entirely online. This is a chance to meet other WIU students online and share your thoughts.

3D Tour
August 2008
An interactive virtual 3D tour of the Malpass Library is now available.

Trivia Contest
August 2008
University Libraries usually provide answers at the reference desk, but this time we want answers from you. By answering quick (and easy) trivia questions about WIU, you could win an iPod Nano.

Sci-Fi Film Series
August 2008
A Sci-Fi film series will be shown in the Malpass library from Sept. 8th through Oct. 27th.

Information Tables Fall 2008
August 2008
On 08/25/08 and 08/26/08, information tables will be set up outside the Malpass Library. If you are a currently-enrolled student drop by and register for the chance to win one of four Coby digital photo keychains.

Dime Novel Desperadoes: A Reading and Discussion with John Hallwas
August 2008
Popular author, noted speaker, and WIU Professor Emeritus John Hallwas will read from his new book, "Dime Novel Desperadoes: The Notorious Maxwell Brothers" on September 19, 2008 at 3:00 pm in the Malpass Library Garden Lounge.

September Game Nite
August 2008
Come and enjoy an evening of computer and other games on the third level of the Malpass Library at the Western Illinois University Campus in Macomb on September 03, 2008 from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm.

ILL Open House
August 2008
ILL will be hosting a 1980's themed open house on August 29 from 10am - 3pm.

New Items!
August 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of July, 2008 have now been listed!.

Hospital Collection Reception
July 2008
WIU Libraries will be hosting a Reception for the McDonough District Hospital Archival Collection. The reception, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 12 in the Malpass Library Garden Lounge.

Research Toolbar
July 2008
WIU Libraries' Information Systems Unit has developed a Research Toolbar to enable online users to increase their library research productivity. The toolbar is a new extension to the Firefox browser, enabling convenient access to library information resources and services including scholarly databases, library catalogs, Interlibrary Loan services and Internet resources such as Google Scholar.

New Items!
July 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of June, 2008 have now been listed!.

Music Library Closed
June 2008
The WIU Music Library will be closed for the month of July due to remodeling.

Another University Libraries Game Nite!
June 2008
Come and enjoy an evening of computer and other games on the third level of the Malpass Library at the Western Illinois University Campus in Macomb on July 10, 2008 from 4:30 to 8:30 pm.

New Items!
June 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of May, 2008 have now been listed!.

Game Nite!
June 2008
Come and enjoy an evening of computer and other games on the third level of the Malpass Library at the Western Illinois University Campus in Macomb on June 17, 2008 from 4:30 to 9:00 pm..

New Items!
May 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of April, 2008 have now been listed!.

Library Tour on Flickr!
May 2008
Take a look at the WIU Libraries virtually through our new Flickr photo tour.

Extended Coffee Bar Hours
April 2008
The coffee bar hours have been extended during finals week.

I-Share Software "Patch"
April 2008
I-Share (CARLI's Voyager system) will be offline from 6:00 AM on Sunday, April 27 until 10:00 AM that same day to apply a software "patch".

New Earthquake Guide
April 2008
A web site on Illinois Earthquakes and this morning's earthquake is now available online.

Outdoor Concert
April 2008
An outdoor concert will be held by members of the WIU Brass Ensemble on the south porch of the Malpass Library on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 1:00 pm. .

New Items!
April 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of March, 2008 have now been listed!.

Forensics Exhibit
April 2008
A forensics exhibit will be on display at the Physical Sciences Library from March 28th through May 30th. The Physical Sciences Library will also host several short programs that focus on different areas of forensics.

I-Share Upgrade
March 2008
I-Share (CARLI's Voyager system) will be offline from 5:00 PM on Friday, March 28 until sometime during the day on Saturday, March 29, 2008 for an Oracle database software upgrade.

ILL Goes Paperless
March 2008
The interlibrary loan service from University Libraries is now paperless. ILLiad, a web application, will now handle all interlibrary loan requests.

I-Share Upgrade
March 2008
I-Share (CARLI's Voyager system) will be offline from 5:00 PM on Friday, March 21 until approximately 5:00 AM on Monday March 24, 2008 for an Oracle database software upgrade.

New Items!
March 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of February, 2008 have now been listed!.

Garden Lectures
March 2008
Growing Chestnuts for Fun and Profit - March 25, 2008 at 2:30pm on the third floor of the Malpass Library.

2007 Author Forms
March 2008
Please fill out a form to let us know if you are a WIU author who published in 2007.

New Items!
March 2008
Newly acquired items for the month of January, 2008 have now been listed!.

Shall We Dance?
February 2008
March 6, 2008 as part of a series of community and economic development workshops WIU Libraries will be co-sponsoring: "Shall We Dance? The Librarian and the Economic Development Professional".

Garden Lectures
February 2008
Irises - April 03, 2008 at 2:30pm on the third floor of the Malpass Library.

Book Sale
January 2008
The Annual Book and Media Sale will take place on February 4-7 in the Staff Lounge on the first floor of the Malpass Library

The Underground Railroad
January 2008
Western Illinois University Libraries are proud to present a free lecture on "The Underground Railroad in Western Illinois" by Mr. Owen Muelder on Tuesday, February 26 at 3:00 pm in the Garden Lounge of the Malpass Library.

Rural Library Conference
January 2008
A free conference on libraries and community economic development. January 30th from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Alliance Library System in East Peoria, Illinois

Web site Redesign
January 2008
The WIU Libraries web site has been redesigned to enhance accessibility and reflect current university templates.

January 2008
Contact a librarian using Meebo. No Instant Messenger account is required. If we're listed as being Online just start typing.

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