WIU Sustainability Committee Donates Books

Whether it be during election news coverage or in day-to-day conversations, a topic on the minds of many is the state of our environment and what we should, or should not, do about it. The Western Illinois University Sustainability Committee promotes discussion of environmental topics, encourages responsible local and global action, and organizes events such as the annual Environmental Summit. The committee is composed of faculty, staff, and students at Western.
The Sustainability Committee has donated a collection of some of the most noteworthy recent books on climate change and the environment to the University Libraries in order to foster teaching and research on these topics. The donated books cover a broad range of issues in environmental studies from a variety of viewpoints and include topics such as the politics of environmentalism, water conservation, the nature of the American food supply, and the environmental impact of the global economy. Patrons of the WIU Libraries have been keen to borrow these books, especially as the volumes have been featured in a recent display at the Malpass Library. According to Linda Zellmer, government information and data services librarian at Western and a member of the University Sustainability Committee, "These books are a noteworthy and welcome addition to the current resources in the University Libraries. Our students have been especially interested in these issues lately and it is wonderful to have this donation."
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