2007 Library News Archive
Camp Ellis Meeting
October 2007
An informational Camp Ellis Meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 14 at 7PM in the Ipava Village Hall. The objective is to build a comprehensive collection of firsthand experiences during WWII.

Constitution Day
September 2007
To celebrate this year's annual Constitution Day as set forth by the United States Government, a display has been set up on the fourth floor of the Malpass Library which will run through the end of September.

Talking, Thinking, and Reading About Gardens
September 2007
Garden Lectures - The five lecture series will begin on the third floor of the Leslie F. Malpass Library September 27th at 2:30 p.m.

Grand Opening
July 2007
Petersen Ornithological Collection - October 26, 2007 at 6:00pm in the University Union Heritage Room.

More Position Openings
July 2007
WIU Libraries has recently posted two additional position announcements: Virtual Services Librarian; Marketing/Outreach Librarian.

Persistent Links
July 2007
"Persistent Links" connect users directly to a library database or article by clicking a link embedded in a webpage. Persistent Links can be useful when creating syllabi, online bibliographies and other research and information tools.

Harry Potter Celebration:
July 2007
July 24, 2007 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm there will be a Harry Potter celebration on the first floor of the Malpass Labrary.

Position Openings
May 2007
WIU Libraries has recently posted two position announcements: Associate Dean for Library Operations; Government Information and Data Services Librarian.
2006 WIU Authors Reception
April 2007
Please join us on April 26, 2007 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm in the Garden Lounge of the Leslie F. Malpass Library as we honor WIU authors, who published between January and December, 2006.
CARDalogue Art Exhibit
April 2007
Western Illinois University art professor Susan Czechowski's Art 101 students are giving the traditional card catalogue system a rebirth. The Intro to Design students created visual images celebrating the "old" card catalogue system for a Cardalogue Art Exhibit that is currently on display in Western's Leslie F. Malpass Library.
Newly Acquired Items!
April 2007
View the most recent library additions (e.g., books, videos, CDs, DVDs, documents) to the library's collections.
Coffee Bar Opening!
April 2007
April 10, 2007 8:15 a.m. - Malpass Mocha Café Grand Opening
Weaving, Art & Architecture
March 2007
March 28, 2007 6 to 8 pm - Art and Architecture in Illinois Weaving, Art, and Architecture Exhibit.
Author Alice Mclerran
March 2007
April 12, 2007 at 7 p.m. - Author Alice McLerran sharing her story "The Mountain That Loved A Bird"
WIU Authors 2006
March 2007
WIU Libraries is sponsoring the third annual WIU Author Recognition Reception on April 26, 2007. During this event, the library will recognize and honor everyone at the University who has published a work during the 2006 calendar year.
Forensics Exhibit @ PSL
March 2007
The Physical Sciences Library will be hosting a special forensics exhibit on display from March 20 thru April.

New Coffee Bar!
February 2007
WIU Libraries is pleased to announce the addition of a new coffee bar to Malpass Library's first level. The new coffee service is scheduled to open in March. The naming contest has concluded, resulting in 779 submissions by 309 participants. The new name of the coffee bar will be announced in the near future with the winning contestant awarded the "first cup of coffee" and a gift certificate!

The Chronicle: Online!
January 2007
The Chronicle of Higher Education is now available online (and from remote locations) via the website of WIU Libraries.
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