Statistics and Information on Countries of the World
Cursory | Topical | Trade | Other
U.S. Census Bureau International Data Base
Demographic and socio-economic statistics from all countries--some data back to 1950. There is summary data for each country or choose from a list of tables that include population breakdowns, vital rates, lifetables, migration rate, marital status, contraceptive use, religious affiliation, language, and literacy. Includes options for browser display and downloading into spreadsheets, and also a user-configurable option.
Area Handbooks Series: Country Studies
Detailed demographic, geographic, historical, political, industrial, and economic information from the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. The library has many of these in hardcopy; search WestCat for call numbers.
Eurostat (EU)
The premier statistical site for the European Union. Topics include population, economy, energy, trade, and government finance; more.
Eurobarometer (EU)
40+ years of public opinion analysis.
U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets
Foreign relations information along with some history and U.S. policy towards each country. These are written by the State Department's regional bureaus.
CIA World Fact Book
Cursory economic data for foreign countries including population, GDP, unemployment, imports/exports, budget, type of government, etc. Annual. Most recent edition kept at 4th floor public service desk.
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This website has brief histories of countries, maps and cursory statistics on population and trade.
World Atlas & Map Library (Infoplease)
You can view maps of regions and countries, read country profiles or find world statistics and rankings.
This fun tool culls data from official sources and surveys and allows country comparisons on all sorts of topics.
Topical Statistics on Countries
World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems (BJS)
These country reports describe the history of legal systems and penal systems, as well as give crime data for their respective countries.
Foreign Trade Statistics (Census)
Import/export statistics - not country specific.
International Labor Comparisons (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Hourly pay by sector and workforce characteristics of various countries.
IMF eLibrary Data (IMF)
This database contains time series data for more than 200 countries and areas back to 1948. The different options include browse, search or you can build your own tables and select display variables from 32,000 time series.
The World Bank
This website includes data, research, projects and publications.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Lots of information starting in 1961.
Everything about food: production, trade, prices, food security, etc. You can compare data from different countries, download data, browse or search.
Trade Statistics
International Trade and Market Access Data (WTO)
This website provides access to statistics on trade in merchandise and commercial services, tariffs, etc. You can also download the latest annual edition (or back to 2001) of International Trade Statistics, among other publications.
Foreign Trade (Census Bureau)
This website has trade highlights, statistics, regulations, codes and forms for exporters.
The Virtual World Trade Reference Room (Dept. of Commerce)
This is a good list of available online data sources.
Industry Trade Data and Analysis (ITA)
This website from the Office of Trade Policy and Analysis, a division of the International Trade Administration, has data on exports to foreign countries from states and metro areas, industry-specific trade data, and statistics on exporters.
TradeStats Express (ITA)
This nifty tool allows you to pick the data you want (import, export or trade balance - state or national) and the item, then it maps the current year data and provides the report for the years selected. Some data coverage starts in 1989.
Trade Statistics (ITA)
This website houses reports on federal and state trade data, including jobs supported by exporting companies.
Free Trade Agreements (ITA)
This website covers impacts by state by free trade agreements.
Tariff Data (WTO)
View the WTO's annual statistical publications on trade or tariff data, or use the interactive statistical database.
Concordances for Trade and Tariff Data
Here you can find a list of sites to convert from one classification code to another.
Foreign Trade Codes (Census Bureau)
Here you can find country codes, export codes, district codes, and product codes; more.
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (ITC)
Tariffs on imported goods classified using the international nomenclature structure of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.
RAMON - Eurostat's Classification Codes
Classifications and nomenclatures used in European statistics.
UNCTAD - UN Conference on Trade and Development (UN)
News, analysis, reports, and statistics on trade and development.
Development and Globalization: Facts and Figures
Statistical analysis on many facets of globalization.
Statistical time series and over 150 indicators (some back to 1948), country profiles, more.
2018 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (USTR)
This annual report provides detailed reports on individual countries regarding U.S. companies' access to their markets.
U.S. International Trade Data (Census Bureau)
Here you can look up U.S. imports or exports to or from other countries either by country or SITC code.
Transborder Freight Statistics (Bureau of Transportation Statistics)
This agency reports on transborder freight statistics and border crossings for the United States and its contiguous neighbors.
Other Information
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Need to know the name of the prime minister of Tuvalu? This is your site!
Telephone Directory - Key Officers List
Key State Department officers by country and how to contact them.

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