World Bank
This site provides articles, policy briefs, reports, data and statistics on globalization and its effects worldwide.
World Inequality and Globalization
There's a wealth of information at this site that a few simple keyword searches will uncover.
Globalization and Innovation in Emerging Markets
This working paper from the World Bank examines what effects globalization has on innovation in small firms, and what effect that has on their ability to compete.
Development Ethics, Globalization and Democracy
This 50 page paper appears to be a chapter in a book. It discusses various viewpoints toward globalization and its impact on government.
World Inequality and Globalization
This paper discusses different ways of measuring global inequality and the effect globalization has had on it.
DECRG Policy Research Report on Globalization, Growth and Poverty: Facts, Fears, and an Agenda for Action - Globalization, Governance, and Civil Society.
This 74-page paper argues that globalization doesn't usurp governmental or societal power, but instead requires a nation's government work closely with its civil society in order to get the most out of the opportunities that globalization affords.
Globalization: IMF Key Issues
This site has an emphasis on globalization of finance and trade. Includes recent information on the economic meltdown of 2008.
UNCTAD Globalization, Interdependence and Development (UN)
News, statistics, and documents on globalization and trade. (SUNY)
This is a student guide to understanding the causes and effects (pro and con) of globalization. Take a look at their Issues in Depth tab.
Globalization - the Philosophical View (Stanford)
This article discusses globalization and with regard to spatial and temporal perception.
Globalization (the Journal) (Athabasca University)
Read articles from this peer-reviewed journal online.
Yale Center for the Study of Globalization
This center was created to link academia and the policy world and enrich the debate concerning core issues of globalization.
Globalization (Library of Congress)
Issue number one of the Business and Economics Research Advisor (BERA) focuses on globalization.
Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan (Federal Reserve)
This 2004 speech before the Bundesbank (Germany) on globalization concerns the role of U.S. account deficits in a global economy. Also review his remarks before the Council on Foreign Relations from March 2005.
A Quick Guide to the World History of Globalization (UPenn)
The timeline starts in the 4th century, B.C., with Alexander the Great and runs up to 1900 or so. Part 2 is an article on modern globalization.

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