Department of Psychology
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Because the study of psychology leads to a greater understanding of people, a psychology minor is an excellent complement to many majors.
View the specific minor requirements and course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Aging Studies: 18 s.h.
The Aging Studies Minor is intended to complement and enhance career opportunities for students across a variety of majors by providing a broad multidisciplinary understanding of aging processes and issues. Beyond the core course, students are able to individualize their studies to fit their career goals or personal needs. This includes a personalized experiential or service learning component.
Aging Studies is an Interdisciplinary Minor which embraces the subject matter and class methods of several disciplines. Courses must be taken from at least two departments (not including the student’s major). To enroll in an interdisciplinary minor, students should consult their major academic advisor and the minor advisor listed below.
- Core Courses: 12 s.h.
AGE/ANTH/PSY/RPTA/SOC 202—The Aging Person in the Social Context (3)
AGE 487—Practicum in Aging Studies (2)
AGE 490—Seminar in Aging Studies (1)
PSY 423—Psychology of Adulthood and Aging (3)
SOC 405—Sociology of Aging in Rural and Urban America (3) - Electives: 6 s.h.
Select 6 s.h. from the following courses*:
AGE 460—Individual Research in Aging Studies (1–3)
AGE 463—Individual Readings in Aging Studies (1–3)
HS 410—Human Diseases (3)
HS 412—Public Health Administration (3)
HSM 314—Health Care Management (3)
HSM 315—Long Term Care Management (3)
KIN 300—Fitness for Older Adults and Special Populations (3)
RPTA 251—Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation (3)
RPTA 452—Leisure Services for Older Adults (3)
SW 332—Social Work with Aging Persons (3)
ZOOL 420—Biology of Aging (3)
* Check the course prerequisites to determine eligibility to take the course.
Robert Intrieri
Office: Waggoner Hall 156
(309) 298-1593
Forensic Psychology: 18 s.h.
The forensic psychology minor is designed to complement majors that will benefit from a deeper understanding of human behavior in a forensic context, such as Law Enforcement and Justice Administration. The forensic psychology minor may be a better option for students with aspirations to work as a law enforcement officer, social worker, nurse, or firefighter.
- PSY 100, 453, 490*: 9 s.h.
- Select 6 hours from the following: 6 s.h.
PSY 221, 250, 251, 357, 380, 422, 424, 433, 451, 452, 454, 456, 457, 490* - Select 3 hours from the following: 3 s.h.
ANTH 405; PHIL 205; POLS 319; SOC 255, 300, 355, 425, 445; WS/SOC 435
* Seminar course—PSY 490 may be taken twice, once as a core requirement and once as a Directed Elective, but they must be on different topics in Forensic Psychology.
Kimberley McClure
Office: Waggoner Hall 160
(309) 298-1593
Mental Health: 18 s.h.
This is a multidisciplinary minor that introduces students to various aspects of human functioning, with an emphasis on reducing discomfort and promoting personal adjustment. The mental health minor is intended for students interested in learning mental health interventions and social services or applying to graduate school in mental health-related fields.
- PSY 251, 380, 424: 9 s.h.
- Choose 9 s.h. from the following: 9 s.h.
AAS 251; HE 441; HE/WS 321; PSY 243, 334, 336, 353, 355, 427, 433, 434, 442, 444, 451, 454, 460 or 463 (lab experience or readings must be in a mental health area), 487, 490; SOC 424; SW 331, 338
Note: PSY 460 and PSY 463 may account for a total of 4 s.h.
Note: PSY 487 and PSY 490 may account for a total of 3 s.h.
Jonathan Hammersley
Office: Waggoner Hall 119
(309) 298-1593
Neuroscience: 19–21 s.h.
The minor in Neuroscience is designed to be of benefit to students interested in pursuing a post baccalaureate degree (M.S., M.D., or Ph.D.) in any of the life sciences, biotechnology, and medicine. It is particularly useful to students interested in academic or professional careers in biomedical research (for example working with companies developing and testing drugs), clinical and laboratory management, and medicine.
- PSY 343, 443: 7 s.h.
- Choose two courses from the following: 6–7 s.h.
BIOL 340; PSY 444, 340, 344, 456; ZOOL 432; Neuroscience Related Seminar BIOL 470 or PSY 490 - Choose two courses from the following: 6–7 s.h.
BIOL 330; CHEM 221, 330, 421, 422; KIN 270; PHIL 425; ZOOL 330, 331, 321, 420, 430; PSY 460 or 463 (lab experience or readings must be in the Neuroscience area, 460 and 463 may account for 4 total s.h.)
Matthew Blankenship
Office: Waggoner Hall 108
(309) 298-1593
Psychology: 18 s.h.
Students seeking to understand why people behave and think as they do should consider a minor in psychology. Anyone whose future involves interacting with others will find the study and exploration of psychological principles fascinating and valuable.
- PSY 100: 3 s.h.
- Psychology Electives: 15 s.h.
Nial Hartnett
Office: Morgan Hall 203F
(309) 298-2668
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