Department of Psychology
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Laboratory for the Investigation of Psychology and Law (LIPL)
The primary goals of LIPL are to conduct social and cognitive research that will provide empirical evidence to guide policy and practice in the legal system. Research is conducted in the laboratory and the field with law enforcement, college students, children, and adolescents). Lab members also meet weekly to discuss new projects, on-going research, and current issues important to forensic psychology.
Interested students may apply to become part of LIPL, which is separate from forensic psychology major option or minor requirements, although it can contribute to completing degree requirements. For example, participation in LIPL can fulfill one to three credit hours for courses (i.e., PSY 360 - Research Practicum; PSY 460/560 - Independent Research in Psychology; PSY 463/563 - Independent Readings in Psychology; PSY 463H/491 - Honors Thesis). Students may also choose to volunteer in the lab for a minimum of 3 hours, in addition to lab meetings. Students do not have to be psychology majors to participate in LIPL. Students who join the lab gain a better understanding of why and how psychological research is conducted, are more competitive when applying for graduate school/employment, and gain experience that will be useful in future careers and higher education. Therefore, there are a limited number of undergraduate and graduate research positions available.
Contact Forensic Psychology Faculty
If you are interested in joining the lab, please download and complete the application LIPL Lab Application and email to either Dr. McClure or Dr. McGuire.
Program News, Resources, and Research
WIU News
- Dr. Kimberley McClure: De-escalation Training through Active Learning (DeTAL) Assessment and Research Center Grant
- ILETSBEI Receives AP-LS Grant

Jayla Carle, Undergraduate Honors Student
Carle, J., & McGuire, K. (2024, April). The effect of age and disability on jurors’ perceptions of child sexual abuse victims. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Kit Denzler, Undergraduate Honors Student
Denzler, K., & McGuire, K. (2024, April). The effect of gender and extralegal factors on sexual assault investigations. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
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