Foreign Languages and Literatures
Sigma Delta Pi
National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society
Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica
Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter at WIU
Sigma Delta Pi is a National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. It is the only honor society devoted exclusively to students of Spanish in four-year colleges and universities, the largest foreign-language honor society in existence (over 180,000 members).
Membership Benefits
- Exclusive access to Sigma Delta Pi’s undergraduate study abroad awardsfor study in Spanish-speaking countries.
- Bolstered credentials for any professional field, including business.
- Leadership opportunities through election to chapter offices and the direction of various chapter projects that may result in national distinctions.
- An enhanced résumé afforded by serving as an active chapter officer: organizational leadership andinitiative are attractive qualities to prospective employers.
- Closer association with students of similar interests and out-of-class interaction with members of faculty.
- A special honor cord or stole to wear at graduation.
- Participation in a beautiful initiation ceremony.
To be considered for membership, you must meet the following criteria:
- Have a passion for the Spanish language and Hispanic culture.
- Have completed at least three semesters of college course work.
- Have completed at least 18 credit hours of college-level Spanish or the equivalent. By-passed college level courses count towards the 18 hours required; candidates may be currently enrolled in the final course that constitutes the complete 18 hours in Spanish, but an email from the professor of the course must accompany your application, verifying that you have at least a B in the course.
- Have completed or be currently enrolled in at least one course at the 300-level or higher in Hispanic literature (for example, SPAN 327, 328, etc.) or Hispanic culture(SPAN 408 or 409).
- Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or better in all college courses completed.
- Have a grade point average of 3.0 or better in all Spanish courses completed.
For an application or addtional information, contact the faculty advisor, Dr. Daniel H. Brown.
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Daniel H. Brown, Associate Professor of Spanish

(309) 298-1566
Office: Morgan Hall 332D
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