Page Contents:
After School Math Games (ASMG) program has two primary goals. Our desire is create:
Activity 1 ~ HIDDEN PICTURE - Easy warm up: Practice the basic facts of addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Three puzzles. For example, Addition. Note: This games is from the web site and they state "Java games require Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x or Netscape 4.5 or greater. Netscape 4.04 and previous versions will NOT work. If the java games do not work, try downloading the latest java from"
Activity 2 ~ MISSION MAGNETITE - Click on equivalent percents, fractions, and pictures. Click here to play.
Extension Activity ~CYBERCHASE SQUARES. Students find a counter-example (an example that shows that the given statement is not true). Click here to play.
Activity 1 ~ WHERE IS DIGIT - You will find the location of "Digit" the bird using the power of circles. Click here to play.
Activity 2 ~ GOLF - Distance of the golf shot depends on the angle. Functional relationship. Students build a table. You need a recording sheet for this. Click here to play golf.
Extension Activity ~ FLIPPING PANCAKES: Problem solving. Flipping Pancakes.
Activity 1 ~ MAKE A MATCH FRACTION GAME - Match models (pictures) and fractions. Click here to play.
Activity 2 ~ AIRLINES BUILDER GAME - Area and perimeter. With a fixed perimeter, students build shapes. Cyberchase Airlines Builder Game - Drag (and sometime rotate) pieces to make a spaceship. A spaceship must be an enclosed shape. Record your spaceships on the activity sheet.
Activity 1 ~ FIND GRAMPY: Mixed numbers. Fraction sense. Find Grampy.
Activity 2 ~ POINT OF VIEW GAME - 3D visualization. Draw the side views for each of four people. Cyberchase Point of View Game. (There are 10 levels, and it does get challenging!!)
Activity 1 ~ SLEUTHS ON THE LOOSE - Proportional reasoning. You do need to record your answers on the recording sheet. Click here, then click PLAY GAME!
Activity 2 ~ BROKEN CALCULATOR: Problem solving. The dimmed buttons on the calculator are broken (they don't work!). Your goal is to use the buttons that do work to compute the numbers from 1 through 15. Broken calculator
Extension Activity ~ HEX-7 Game. See directions and hints online. Click here to play.
Activity 1 ~ JIGSAW PUZZLE - You will put together the jigsaw puzzle, but you might have to RESIZE the pieces. Click here, then click PLAY!
Activity 2 ~ 13 WAYS TO A HALF - Take an empty square and fill half of it -- but do it 13 different ways!! If two patterns can be rotated or flipped to become the same, then they are actually the same. Click here to play.
Suggestions for implementing these games in your after-school program (or in your mathematics classroom). (Word document)
Sticker Tents - This is a Word document. Print out (make copies) on card stock. Cut in half. Then fold in half (to make a tent). Each student writes their name on their sticker tent and puts it on their computer monitor. As they complete the games they get stickers.
"Western Provides After School Math Games to Peoria Students," March 29, 2006. This is also linked off the IBHE News from Colleges and Universities site.
request that facilitator/teachers who have used After School Math Games fill
out a short survey by following this link.
The launch page for After School Math Games is found at
After School Math Games was updated and expanded by
James Olsen (W.I.U. mathematics faculty member) and Melissa Patterson (W.I.U.
mathematics major in teacher education) in Fall 2005.
After School Math Games was first created by James Olsen and Jessica
Denna (W.I.U. mathematics major in teacher education) in Fall 2003. Jessica
now teaches at Lake Park High School Roselle, IL.
James R. Olsen,
Western Illinois University
Page last updated:
January 9, 2008