Academic Affairs Accomplishments 2009-2010
Goals: 2010-2011
During Spring 2010, Academic Affairs announced its goals for the 2010-2011 academic year in support of the WIU strategic plan Higher Values in Higher Education. These goals will focus on the areas of enhanced learning culture, fiscal responsibility and accountability, partnerships/community engagement/outreach, access and equity, and student centered environment.

Marissa Brungraber (R) received her diploma cover from Recreation, Park and Tourism Administration Chair and Professor Dale Adkins (L) at the WIU Fall 2009 Commencement ceremony. A total of 570 candidates for graduation -- 468 undergraduates and 102 master's graduates -- crossed the stage during two Dec. 19 Commencement ceremonies.
- Enhanced Learning Culture
- Maintain rigor and high academic standards
- Prepare for HLC/NCA and NCATE reaccreditation
- Strengthen academic programs through review and discipline-specific accreditation
- Increase course based civic learning and service learning
- Enhance Centennial Honors College
- Expand study abroad and multicultural initiatives
- Continue to explore distance education opportunities for placebound students
- Support scholarly/professional activity
- Investigate interdisciplinary/collaborative initiatives
- Integrate technology into the classroom
- Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability
- Review departmental budgets
- Reallocate variance dollars to support University priorities
- Identify alternative funding sources
- Review academic program costs
- Partnerships, Community Engagement, and Outreach
- Create and support partnerships with University departments, institutions of higher education, and the community
- Create and support partnerships with University departments, institutions of higher education, and the community
- Access and Equity
- Increase diversity
- Increase internationalization
- Enhance recruitment and retention activities
- Student Centered Environment
- Review FYE
- Review academic advising
- Review all student support services within Academic Affairs (writing and math centers; tutoring)
- Enhance communication and information leading to student success