2004 Library News Archive
LibQUAL 2006 Results
December 2006
We want to thank all who participated in our recent LibQUAL Survey. The results are in and we are analyzing the questionnaire results as well as the written comments.

Introducing "WestCat"
November 2006
WIU Libraries is pleased to announce that
WestCat is the new name of its catalog.

Graham Scholarships Awarded
November 2006
WIU Libraries has announced the recipients of the William H. and Eva Little Graham Libraries Student Assistant Scholarship for the spring 2007 semester.
Dr. Phyllis C. Self, WIU Dean of Libraries
August 2006
With the start of WIU's 104th academic year, see Dean Self's welcome message to the University community.

Access Services Librarian [CLOSED]
August 2006
WIU Libraries announces the open position of Access Services Librarian. Screening of applicants will begin on November 1, 2006 and continue until the position is filled.
New Database: Opposing Viewpoints
May 2006
The Reference Unit has reallocated collection resources to purchase access to the unparalleled Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. This database provide a complete one-stop source for information on current social issues.

Saskia Digital Archive
April 2006
The WIU Libraries, in partnership with CARLI, announce online access to an exciting collection of digital images. Since 1966, the Saskia Digital Archive has become one of the largest and most important image archives for teaching art history.

New Digital Resource: MyMediaMall
March 2006
WIU Libraries and the Alliance Library System are pleased to announce an exciting new digital e-book service. MyMediaMall offers WIU-affiliated users access to a growing collection of over 900 e-titles (almost 200 are audio titles), including bestsellers, mysteries, non-fiction and other popular genres. Users may search the collection and then download a book for use on their computer, compatible handheld device or MP3 player. Users can check out up to five books at a time for three weeks. MyMediaMall offers e-books in PDF format (for viewing on computer), Mobipocket (for personal digital assistants), and Windows Media (for audio titles).

WIU Author Recognition
March 2006
WIU Libraries is sponsoring the second annual WIU Author Recognition Reception on April 20, 2006. During this event, the library will recognize and honor everyone at the University who has published a work during the 2005 calendar year.

New Names For A New Year!
January 2006
ILLINET Online catalog has been re-named I-Share
by the Board of Directors of the newly formed Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI).

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