Circulation Policies & Procedures
Check out of materials is allowed by current WIU students, current and retired WIU faculty and WIU staff in addition to area educators and the general public. To borrow materials from the Curriculum Library, patrons must show a WIU Photo ID or local lending card and photo ID. For more information on public borrowing, please see Options for Area Educators/General Public.
Checkout Period
The automated circulation system will check out items for two weeks. If needed, patrons are allowed a maximum of one renewal, of two weeks, per item.
Materials may be returned to the drop in the hallway outside of the Curriculum Library or the drop in the Circulation desk inside the Curriculum Library.
There are three ways available to renew books:
- Renew books borrowed from the Curriculum Library by calling the circulation desk at (309) 298-1101. To renew by phone, patrons must have the item(s) with them, as they will be asked for the barcode number of the material(s).
- Bring books to the circulation desk to get them renewed.
- Renew books directly in WestCat (using the MyAccount feature) from a public workstation in the library or by remote access through the Internet.
Curriculum Library policy allows a maximum of one renewal per item. After one renewal the material(s) must be returned to the Curriculum Library to avoid the possibility of sanction.
Overdues and Fines
Questions concerning overdues and fines should be addressed to Alonso Rubio, a member of the Access Services Unit, whose office is located on the 2nd floor of the Malpass Library.
For more information see the Access Services page on Overdues and Fines.
Area Educators
See our policy statement about materials in the Western Illinois University Curriculum Library that may now be borrowed by local teachers, librarians, principals, etc. who work in either public or private schools in a sixteen county area.
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