Department of Mathematics and Philosophy

Philosophy Minor
Philosophy is the study of the intellectual foundations of virtually every area of human thought and action. Over the centuries, philosophers have examined the nature and justification of moral values and scientific explanations, the relation of thought and action, the grounds for deciding among the alternative accounts of reality, and the nature of reasoning and argument. Such study will develop your abilities to read critically, write logically, analyze divergent viewpoints, and give good reasons for your opinions.
The study of philosophy leads in many directions, qualifying undergraduates for further study in graduate school and giving them a leg up in certain areas of the job market. Most philosophy departments offer student's training in a unique combination of skills, including direct observation, critical thinking, logical analysis, moral reasoning, and cross-cultural understanding. In many professional fields, such skills are in high demand. In addition, many philosophy minors go on to study law, business, education, and medicine in graduate school. The skills you acquire while studying philosophy are in high demand in all areas of life.
The department offers a minor in philosophy that helps improve your understanding of your major, and provides you with the intellectual skills you will need if you are one of the 73% of people who end up in a career unrelated to your major.
The Philosophy Minor requires a minimum of six courses (18 s.h.) in Philosophy, three of which (9 s.h.) must be 300- or 400-level courses.
Professors of Philosophy
Dr. Gordon Pettit, Philosophy Minor Advisor
- Office: Morgan Hall 446
Phone: (309) 298-2326
- Office: Morgan Hall 446
- Dr. Brian Powell
- Dr. Christopher Pynes
- Dr. David Haugen
- Dr. Susan A. Martinelli-Fernandez
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