Department of Mathematics and Philosophy

Fedor Andreev, Professor
Specializing in Applied Mathematics
Ph.D., St. Petersburg Steklov Mathematical Institute
B.S., St. Petersburg State University
Contact Information
Office: 484 Morgan Hall 484
(309) 298-2362
Courses Taught
- Math 100: Core Competency in Mathematics
- Math 123: Modeling with Mathematical Functions
- Math 137: Applied Calculus I
- Math 391: Writing in the Mathematical Sciences
- Math 407: Number Theory Concepts in School Mathematics
- Math 411: Geometry
- Math 433: Complex Variables and Applications
- Math 481: Numerical Analysis I
- Math 552: Scientific Computing
- Math 652: Computational Differential Equations
- Math 699: Advanced Special Topics
Research Interests
- Scientific computing with GPU (DirectX, DirectCompute, OpenGL/OpenCL)
- Polynomiography (see
- Fractals and fractal visualization; Schottky groups
- Integrable systems and differential equations in complex plane
- Painlevé equations
Apps Published
- Poly-z-Vision at Windows App Store:
- Poly-z-Vision at iOS App Store:
- Poly-z-Vision on Android:
Selected Publications
- Kalantari, B., Andreev, F., Lau, C.,(2021). Characterization of local optima of polynomial modulus over a disc. Numerical Algorithms,
- Fedor V. Andreev, Alexander V. Kitaev. (2020). Connection formulae for asymptotics of the fifth Painlevé transcendent on the imaginary axis: I. Applied Studies in Mathematics,
- Andreev, F. & Kalantari, I. (2012). Collinearity of iterations and real plane algebraic curves. Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD), p. 126-131.
- Andreev, F. (2006). Direct computation of the monodromy data for P6 corresponding to the quantum colohomology of the projective plane. Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 32, No. 1, p. 59-77.
- Andreev, F., Kalantari, B., & Kalantari, I. (2004). Animation of mathematical concepts using polynomiography. Proceeding SIGGRAPH '04, ACM SIGGRAPH, Educators program, p. 27. (
- Andreev, F., Auckly, D., Gosavi, S., Kapitanski, L., White, W., & Kelkar, A. (2002). Matching, linear systems, and the ball and beam. Automatica, Volume 38, Issue 12, p. 2147-2152.
- Andreev, F., & Kitaev, A. (2000). Connection formulas for asymptotics of the fifth Painlevé transcendent on the real axis. Nonlinearity, 13, p. 1801-1840.
- Workshop: From Continuous to Fractal: Exploring and Root Finding, at a DIMACS International Workshop on Algorithmic Mathematical Art: Special Cases and Their Applications, Rutgers University, NJ, May, 2009. Abstract available at: Entire presentation is available on Rutgers' channel on YouTube:
- Presentation: Quadratics over Quaternions and Their Fractal Visualization, at the ISMAA (Illinois Section of the Mathematical Association of America) meeting at North Central College, Naperville, IL, 2011.
- Presentation: Visualizing Mobius Transformations and Plane Tilings, at the ISMAA (Illinois Section of the Mathematical Association of America) meeting at Knox College, Galesburg, IL, 2005.
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