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Next Steps for International Students
Paying for College
- Want to gain valuable work experience, receive a tuition waiver, and earn a monthly stipend? Learn about graduate assistantship opportunities
- Learn about scholarship opportunities
- Explore on-campus student employment opportunities
Explore Housing & Dining Options
Start exploring WIU's housing and dining options right away! Once you've been accepted, you can apply for housing online.
On-Campus Housing
Macomb campus students are encouraged to apply for university housing, and take advantage of the many benefits living on campus has to offer.
- Explore Residence Hall options and our various learning communities .
- Explore Graduate and Family Housing options
Off-Campus Housing
- Explore Macomb-area apartments and real estate offerings
- Explore housing options in the Quad Cities area
Meal Plans
The dining plan at Western is one of the most flexible programs in the country. You pay for what you eat, allowing you to control your budget, and eat when and where you'd like. All students buy into a basic a la carte meal plan, but you also have the option of front-loading your plan with additional money if you know you will need more purchasing power. Learn more about your dining options at our dining website.
Commit to Western
Have you been accepted? Congratulations! We encourage you to commit to Western as soon as you receive your acceptance packet in the mail:
1. Confirm your Information
Confirm your information by logging into WIU's "STARS" system with your WIU ID number (located in the front cover of your acceptance packet). The first time you access STARS, your password will be your month, day and full year of birth (mmddyyyy). You will then be required to change your password. For STARS assistance, contact the Support Center at (309) 298-8324 (298-TECH).
STARS provides access to registration, grades, financial aid information, housing assignments, billing information, and much more.
2. Activate your WIU Email (ECom)
Activate your electronic communication (ECom) account. Your ECom username is provided inside your acceptance packet. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact the Support Center at (309) 298-8324 (298-TECH).
3. Apply for Scholarships
Scholarship applications are due by February 15. Visit our Scholarship office website for more information.
4. Review Immigration Status Requirements
Learn more about maintaining your immigration status while in the U.S.
5. Locate your Immunization Records
All new students born after 1957 are required by the Illinois College Student Immunization Act to provide a record of your immunizations to the University.
Bring your completed health history form and other medical records (with an English translation, if necessary) with you to WIU. If you are unable to locate proof of past immunizations you must be re-vaccinated. For any questions or clarifications, contact the Immunizations Compliance Office.
Students must be enrolled in WIU's medical insurance plan to cover unexpected emergencies, specialized care, etc. If you are a sponsored student and have your own insurance, you must complete an insurance waiver. You will learn more about this at orientation.
6. Attend the New International Student Orientation program
The New International Student Orientation (NISO) program is a mandatory event that wil help you adjust to your new home. The week before classes begin every semester, an extensive orientation program is provided to introduce you to important aspects of the campus and community. NISO includes:
- airport/train pick-up and transportation
- presentations about U.S. immigration regulations, how to be successful at WIU, academic advising, cultural information, ESL placement testing, banking & shopping trips, campus & city tours, social activities and insurance
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