Spreadsheet Homework Assignments

  1. Use of a spreadsheet for personal productivity. Create your own grading system (points, weighted categories, etc.). Type up (using Word) a description of your grading system for your students and parents. Use Excel to make a spreadsheet that calculates grades. Type in some fictitious names (about 10 students is enough) and grades (make it fairly realistic, with enough grades for one quarter). Submit the Word document and the Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Use of a spreadsheet for mathematics instruction. Find an algebra word problem that can be solved using a spreadsheet (feel free to show it to Dr. Olsen to verify it's appropriateness). Use Excel to make a spreadsheet that solves the problem. The spreadsheet should be intuitive and self-explanatory (and intended for your algebra students). Type in the problem statement near the top of the spreadsheet. Type out the answer at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Submit the Excel spreadsheet. Ski problem. Ski problem solved.

Jim Olsen's homepage
James R. Olsen, Western Illinois University
E-mail: jr-olsen@wiu.edu
updated: October 15, 2003