Math Education Research and a Plethora of Committee and Government Reports

Math Ed Pile of Research

The list of reports (below) was initially compiled on the occasion of the Common Core State Standards (i.e., the reports were the precursors for the CCSS). The page is updated periodically. I welcome suggested additions to this page.


  1. Sources of Educational Research (summaries may be included in some cases)
  2. Sources of Summaries of Educational Research (including meta-analyses)
  3. Committee and Government Reports

1. Sources of Educational Research (summaries may be included in some cases)

Best Practices at

Doing What Works - collection of research-based instructional practices.
What Works Clearinghouse - reports on the evidence of effectiveness of education programs and practices.

Research & Statistics at see also Institute of Educational Sciences

Journal For Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) from NCTM. To access the articles, you may need to go through a library homepage such as WIU's library (or go to a library).

Mathematics Education Research Blog - seems to be kept up-to-date nicely. Thank you Reidar Mosvold.

American Educational Research Association (AERA) - has a publications page.

Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

National Center for Education Research (home) - supports rigorous research that contributes to the solution of significant education problems in our country.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education.

Journal of Mathematics Education - from Education for All.

Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) - new society which began in 2005.

Research at The Association for Middle Level Education - includes Research Summaries and Research in Middle Level Education Online

Reports on Education from The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Educational Designer an international e-journal for design and development in education by the International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE)

Education Week - Has a Reports and Data section. From Projects in Education.

2009 PISA results - Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)

CARET Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology (See the Questions and Answers Section) Q: How can technology influence student academic performance? Computer-based Mathematics Learning - by McCoy, Leah P. (1996)

Research at Education Development Center (EDC) for Math Education

2. Sources of Summaries of Educational Research (including meta-analyses)

Summary of Research on the Effectiveness of Math Professional Development Approaches (abstract)

Evidence-Based Practice Summaries - nicely organized summaries of research about the effectiveness of instructional strategies and interventions

Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Education - by the National Research Council, 2011

Report Summary Service (RSS) - by National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM)

NCTM: Research Clips and Briefs; Linking Research and Practice

NCTM: Principles to Actions Executive Summary. Not a summary of research per se, this 2014 publication (a book) connects research with practice. This was written post (their own) Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and the CCSSM.

Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies

Stigler, J. W., & Hiebert, J. (2009). The teaching gap: Best ideas from the world's teachers for improving education in the classroom (ten-year anniversary edition). New York: The Free Press.

Gaining Traction, Gaining Ground: How Some High Schools Accelerate Learning for Struggling, 2005. Education Trust.

Research Reports and Summaries from NAEYC

How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition, (2000). Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. TOC, Chap 10 Conclusions pp 231-247.

3. Committee and Government Reports (in reverse order) - the plethora

  1. The Condition of College & Career Readiness 2018 - from ACT. (NCTM response)
  2. Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics Public Review Document NCTM.
  3. GAIMME Report - Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education (2016) by SIAM and COMAP (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics & Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications)
  4. Equations and Inequalities: Making Mathematics Accessible to All (June 2016) - from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). "PISA Report" (review)
  5. The Condition of Education 2016 - from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Yearly report.
  6. 2016 Brown Center Report
  7. CUPM Curriculum Guide to Majors in the Mathematical Sciences - from CUPM of MAA (2015)
  8. A Common Vision for Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Prgrams in 2025 - from MAA, AMATYC, AMS, ASA, and SIAM (2015).
  9. A Common Vision for the Undergraduate Mathematics Program in 2025 (2015) - Final report, white paper.
  10. Transforming Post-Secondary Education in Mathematics (TPSE Math) - includes a comprehensive list of links.
  11. Report to the President Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Feb. 2012)
  12. The Mathematical Education of Teachers II - Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS). (2012). Providence RI: American Mathematical Society.
  13. “Common Core State Standards (CCSS)” Common Core State Standards Initiative - Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). 2010  This was a joint venture, announced in June 2009, by the the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association (NGA). (See also Common Core Math Standards: Information, Links, and Resources.)
  14. “National Mathematics Advisory Panel,” The Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel, Tyrrell Flawn, Executive Director, 2008
  15. Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future by the Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science and
    Technology, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, 2007.
  16. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) provides reliable and timely data on the mathematics and science achievement of U.S. 4th- and 8th-grade students compared to that of students in other countries. TIMSS data have been collected in 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, and 2015. [Originally, the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)] See also.
  17. “Focal Points” Curriculum Focal Points for Prekindergarten through Grade 8 Mathematics: A Quest for Coherence, NCTM, Reston, VA, 2006.
  18. "Ready or Not : Creating a High School Diploma That Counts" (2004) from Achieve, a good precursor to CCSS.
  19. “Guidelines for Departments “Guidelines for Programs and Departments in Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences.  MAA (includes 6 Appendices) 2003
  20. “Adding It Up” Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics (2001) - Kilpatrick, Swafford, and Findell (National Research Council, 2001, p. 116), The five strands of mathematical proficiency are 1) conceptual understanding (comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations), 2) procedural fluency (skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, fluently, and appropriately), 3) strategic competence (ability to formulate, represent, and solve mathematical problems), 4) adaptive reasoning (capacity for logical thought, reflection, explanation, and justification), and 5) productive disposition (habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one's own efficacy).
  21. “MET report by the CBMS” The Mathematical Education of Teachers. Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS). (2001). Providence RI and Washington DC: American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America.
  22. “NCTM Standards” Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (2000)
  23. “Before It’s Too Late – the Glenn Report” Before It’s Too Late: A Report to the Nation from the National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century (2000)
  24. "Answers in the Tool Box: Academic Intensity, Attendance Patterns, and Bachelor's Degree Attainment." Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, by Adelman, C. 1999.
  25. "Assessment Standards" Assessment Standards for School Mathematics. (1995) NCTM
  26. “A Call for Change by the MAA” Committee on the Mathematics Education of Teachers. A Call for Change: Recommendations For The Mathematical Preparation Of Teachers Of Mathematics. James R. C. Leitzel, Editor. MAA Notes and Reports Series. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, 1991.
  27. "Professional Teaching Standards" Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics. (1991) NCTM
  28. “CUPM 1991 Report” Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics. The Undergraduate Major in the Mathematical Sciences. A Report of CUPM. Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America, 1991.
  29. “Counting on You” Mathematical Sciences Education Board (MSEB) - MSEB's “Counting on You: Actions Supporting Mathematics Teaching Standards synthesizes the new standards for teaching and professional development.” Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. 1991.
  30. “On the Shoulders of Giants” On the Shoulders of Giants: New Approaches to Numeracy,  By Mathematical Sciences Education Board, Lynn Arthur Steen, National Research Council  (1990)
  31. "1989 NCTM Standards" Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. (1989) NCTM
  32. “Everybody Counts” Everybody Counts: A Report to the Nation on the Future of Mathematics Education. ©1989 by the National Academy of Sciences. Courtesy of the National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
  33. “Education and Learning to Think” Education and Learning to Think.  Resnick, Lauren B., National Academy Press. 1987
  34. "A Nation at Risk" 1983 - a precursor of much of what is above (PDF or PDF). A Nation At Risk: 30 Years Later video (2013)

See also Brain-Based Learning and Learning Theories

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James R. Olsen, Western Illinois University
updated: March 24, 2021