Standards Based Assessment

This webpage supports the presentations I'm doing on Standards Based AssessmentGood Dog Assessment Comic

Presentation Information


Table Comparing Traditional and Standards-Based Grading Systems.

PowerPoint slides from April 2017 NCTM Conference. (toons)

PowerPoint slides from April 2016 IMACC Conference.

PowerPoint slides from Nov. 2015 Mini-Conference.

SBA (Standards Based Assessment) objectives for (WIU) Math 260 can be found here.

Dr. Olsen's rubric is here.

Dr. Olsen's Request to Retest is here.


The concept of standards based grading was first presented by Tyler Van Vleet at the (first) W.I.U. Mini-Conference on Secondary Mathematics Teaching, in November 2015. I liked the idea so much that I implemented it the following semester. I have been using every semester since spring 2015, and I really like standards based assessment. I'm thankful to Tyler Van Vleet for coming up with the system.

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