AViSSS: Animated Visual Supports for Social Skills

 Justin Ehrlich


A Virtual Environment for Teaching Social Skills: AViSSS
J.A. Ehrlich and J.R. Miller, “A Virtual Environment for Teaching Social Skills: AViSSS,” IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., vol. 29, no. 4, 2009, pp. 10-16; DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2009.57.
For typical adolescents, developing appropriate social skills can be difficult. For those with Asperger's syndrome (AS), this task is much more difficult and can be a determining factor in school success. Recent studies indicate that students with AS, who are often visual learners, can learn social skills through computer-based tasks. To help individuals with AS deal with social challenges, researchers have developed the Animated Visual Supports for Social Skills (AViSSS) 3D virtual environment. In AViSSS, a rendering engine aids the rendering of animations, characters, objects, and environments. As students interact in the virtual environment, AViSSS presents them with various situations and possible responses. Each response delivers a different simulated result, along with an explanation of the choice.

Justin Ehrlich

Department of Computer Science
447P Stipes Hall
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL, 61455
office phone: 309-298-1102
Dept. phone: 309-298-1452
fax: 309-298-2302