CS410: Operating
Systems |
The final project will be due November 29th. Information about the assignment is on Western Online. Here are a list of sample topics: Projects Examples Programming assignment 3 is due October 22 - be ready to present for I will randomly choose someone if no one volunteers. There will be an open lab day in 304 Wednesday Oct 20th from 9am-1:30pm. Class will be in the lab that day. The assignment needs to be submitted to Western Online. You can use winscp (or cyberduck on the mac) to transfer files from uxb3.wiu.edu to your home computer. If your tar assignment files is on toolman.wiu.edu, you will first need to transfer this file to uxb3.wiu.edu since toolman is behind the firewall. You can use scp on toolman to transfer to uxb3: scp example.tar uxb3:~/ Here are some tips on using toolman: I suggest using toolman.wiu.edu for class assignments, but you can use any system as long as it compiles on toolman. To get to toolman from the outside, first use PuTTY (or any ssh client) to connect to uxb3.wiu.edu, then ssh into toolman: ssh toolman If the backspace key doesn't work correctly, set your terminal emulator (PuTTY) to generate Control-H for the backspace key. Here are some fixes for uxb3, if you choose to use that instead of toolman: To get the arrow keys to work correctly and to replace the csh with bash, insert the following into .cshrc set term=ansi set SHELL=/bin/bash exec $SHELL To make the backspace actually act like a backspace, insert the following into .vimrc set bs=2
General Course Description: Overview of the concepts/theory of operating systems with emphasis on process management, memory management, file management, scheduling, device management, and synchronization. Course Format: The course will be taught using a combination of lectures and discussions. Prerequisites: CS 310 and CS 350 Instructor: · Dr. Justin Ehrlich, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science · 447P Stipes Hall · JA-Ehrlich@wiu.edu Class Meetings:
Section 001: MWF 10:00-10:50am, 211 Stipes Hall Section 002: MWF 12:00-12:50am, 211 Stipes Hall Office Hours: MWF: 9:00-10:50am; 1:00-1:30pm Other times are available by appointment if these times do not work. Course Objectives: · Given definitions and example code showing the use of POSIX functions, the student will develop C programs that demonstrate on a *nix-based system the application of various operating system programming techniques. · Given concepts and algorithms for operating system process management, the student will describe approaches for processes, threads, CPU scheduling, process synchronization, and deadlocks. · Given the concepts and algorithms for operating system memory management, the student will describe approaches for handling main memory and virtual memory. · Given the concepts and algorithms for operating system storage management, the student will describe approaches for file system interfaces and file system implementations. Required Course Textbook: · Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne. Operating System Concepts. 8th Edition. Wiley, 2008 Course Web Site: http://faculty.wiu.edu/JA-Ehrlich/courses/cs410/