Sample Web Page

This page was created using Netscape Composer.  To get to Composer, run Netscape and then  click Window|Composer.
A good way to learn what the buttons do in Composer is to rollover them and read the balloons.


A nice way to create columns is to use a table.
Here I have joined two cells to make the heading.
Here you can see the cell borders ("2 pixels thick").
Text in the cells can be centered as well as the entire table on the page.
NCTM Standards 2000
NCTM Content Standards
NCTM Process Standards
Number and Operations
Data Analysis and Probability
Problem Solving
Reasoning and Proof

Here is another table.
Again it is a nice way to make columns.
This table has cell borders 0 pixels (you can't see the border).
This table is left justified,
and is 75% of the width of the browser.

Do use:
  • Headings to create the hierarchy on your page
  • Hit Enter for the paragraph break (creates a blank line) and use Shift+Enter to have successive lines with no space.
  • Bulleted or numbered lists.
    • indenting, like this line.
  • Very light colored backgrounds
  • Dark colors for fonts (one reason being that lighter colors don't print well in black and white)
  • The spell checker (under the Edit Menu)
  • Put the author's name on the page.
  • Overuse italics.
  • Use light fonts on dark back grounds (or use it sparingly).
Tables, with the cells colored can be used on a page to focus attention.

To create a horizontal line: Insert|Horizontal Line.

It is a good idea to put the author information on the page. Include contact information or a link back to a page that has it.
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WIU's Rocky Bulldog