Note: This program has been discontinued and this page is no longer up-to-date. - sorry for any inconvenience.
Tower of Hanoi - Move the stack of disks in the minimum number of moves. Use the recording sheet to record your answers.
Cyberchase Airlines Builder Game - Drag (and sometime rotate) pieces to make a spaceship. A spaceship must be an enclosed shape. Detailed instructions are provided if you need them. Quickie online activity sheet is here.
Balance Game - Directions: You will find:
Coin Problem - Read the directions at the top. Find the counterfeit coin. Start with Eight Coins. Then move up to Nine Coins, etc.
Fill and Pour Game - You have only two containers. You can fill, empty, or pour from one to the other. Get the target amount. Make sure to click New Problem.
Triominoes – Manipulate the puzzle pieces and find multiple
Isometric Drawing Tool - Build some 3-Dimensional buildings using this tool.
Finding Volume - Figure out how many cubes there are in the figure.
Transformations - WOW, that's a big word! It just means you SLIDE, ROTATE, FLIP-OVER, or ENLARGE the figure (shape) to get it on top of the other figure. There are four levels on this game.
Divisibility - Type in a number and find the factors of your number. That is, what number divide evenly into your number.
Factor Game - This is a two-player game where you pick a number and your opponent picks the factors of that number, then switch roles. Try to collect the most number of points. What is your strategy? Again, you probably want to click Stand Alone Applet which is directly below the game board. To learn more click playing to win or making connections.
Fraction Track Game - This is a two-player game. Try to get 5 of your 7 markers to the right hand side of the board. After the game appears on the screen, click Stand Alone Applet which is directly below the game board. (This puts the game in its own window.)
Tower of Hanoi - Can you solve the problem in the minimum number of moves? For a certain number of disks, can you tell the minimum number of moves needed? - That's it. Learn about fractions visually. Includes equivalent fractions, mixed fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions. Learning games included.
Figure This - Mathematics Challenges for Families provides interesting math challenges that middle-school students can do at home with their families. - Thinking games. I especially like 3-D Mazes.
Visual Multiplication Table - Self-explanatory (or read the Quick Instructions). Hints and tricks for learning multiplication facts.
Virtual Manipulatives
Blocks on-line - You can play with Pattern Blocks on-line. Activities
available as well.
10 Blocks on-line - Make sure to check out the hammer and
glue options.
Geoboard - Also, there is a free
virtual geoboard, the 5-minute download is worth it, from Edmark.
- Such as Tower
of Hanoi. Part of
More puzzles at java games
(some are the same). The Hex-7
page is very interesting and includes a great example of a "non-constructive"
proof of a winning strategy for player one. The games can also be
found at
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles - Lots of puzzles with java applets. The site has won many awards. Try Flipping Pancakes or Farmer and Wife To Catch Rooster and Hen or the Three Glass (water pouring) problem (or the water pouring variation). Then move on to the more advanced. Lots of explanations and theory provided.
Education Place K-8 educational resources from Houghton Mifflin.
AIMS Education Foundation - Activities Integrating Math and Science
Multimedia Math Glossary - For grades 1 to 8.Rubik's Cube On-line - Part of Room 108 Educational Games
Jim Olsen's Teaching Resources - more mathematics education links -- like the ones listed here, but more for teachers.
James R. Olsen, Western Illinois University
June 29, 2012