Course Specific Mental Math Worksheets 
Below you will find a mental math curriculum which teaches 30 mental math stategies for eighth grade and 30 mental math stategies for Algebra I.
This curriculum is being provided as a free download.
Information and Overview
Information and Overview for the Mental Math Strategy Worksheets for Eighth Grade and Algebra I.
Poster of the Top Six Resons Why Mental Math is Important and Useful - PDF ~ DOC (if you want to edit/modify for your purposes)
Eighth Grade
Fall Semester
- List the the first 15 Mental Math Strategies (#1-15) in this curriculum - Eighth-First15-Strategies.pdf
- Pre-Test, Practice-Test, & Post-Test (3 files compressed/zipped) -
- 15 Mental Math Worksheets (15 files compressed/zipped) -
Spring Semester
- List the the second 15 Mental Math Strategies (#16-30) in this curriculum - Eighth-Second15-Strategies16-30.pdf
- Pre-Test, Practice-Test, & Post-Test (3 files compressed/zipped) -
- 15 more Mental Math Worksheets (15 files compressed/zipped) -
Algebra I
Fall Semester
- List the the first 15 Mental Math Strategies (#1-15) in this curriculum - AlgebraI-First15-Strategies.pdf
- Pre-Test, Practice-Test, & Post-Test (3 files compressed/zipped) -
- 15 Mental Math Worksheets (15 files compressed/zipped) -
Spring Semester
- List the the second 15 Mental Math Strategies (#16-30) in this curriculum - AlgebraI-Second15-Strategies16-30.pdf
- Pre-Test, Practice-Test, & Post-Test (3 files compressed/zipped) -
- 15 more Mental Math Worksheets (15 files compressed/zipped) -
Updates and Other Information
- Comments on Doing Math Mentally - broadening the scope beyond mental calculations. I call for a realistic, appropriate, and balanced approach.
- Poster of The Top Six Reasons Why Mental Math is Important and Useful is available here.
- 2/5/15: We have 30 strategy worksheets of Seventh Grade done. If you are interested, email me.
- 1/5/15: We have 10 strategy worksheets of Geometry done. If you are interested, email me.
- Small error in 8th grade worksheet number 8.7 corrected.
- March 2015: I have an article published in the (NCTM) journal Mathematics Teacher. March 2015, Vol. 108, Issue 7. Five Keys for Teaching Mental Math by James R. Olsen. It is a A comprehensive look at mental math in the light of technology, the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, and brain-based learning.
- June 2014: A few typographical errors were fixed.
- Click here For Help with the Basic Facts + – × ÷
- June & July 2013: A few typographical errors were fixed.
- Five Keys for Learning Mental Math Prezi
- 2/12/13: Algebra I worksheet #11 wasn't printing correctly. It has been fixed.
Please report any errors/problems to me (JR-Olsen [at] Thanks.
©James R. Olsen, Ph.D.
I'm retired (but still somewhat active ;-) from
The Department of Mathematics and Philosopy
1 University Circle
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL 61455