October 31, 2023

ORCHESTRA HALLOWEEN CONCERT - Kenny Lee and Xinyue Liu, conductors
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: COFAC Recital Hall
Description: Wear your costumes to this family-friendly concert!

This performance is free and open for general audience seating. Parking is available in the semi-circle lots on the south side of Simpkins and Sherman Halls, and the lots east of Seal and Tillman Halls.

Kenny Lee & Xinyue Liu, conductors

Raiders March from Indiana Jones - John Williams

Highlights from Jurassic Park - John Williams

How to Train Your Dragon
- John Powell


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Symphonic Suite - Howard Shore


Related Web Site: WIU School of Music
Contact Information:
 Joanie Herbert
 Phone: 309-298-1843
 Email: JE-Herbert@wiu.edu
Source: School of Music

Western Illinois University
1 University Circle * Macomb, IL 61455
Phone: 309/298-1414 * E-mail info@wiu.edu
Calendar Administration: webstaff@wiu.edu