March 3, 2025

The Annual New Music Festival 2025 - Concert I
Time: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: COFAC Recital Hall
Description: This performance is free and open to the public.

New Music Festival 2025 is made possible by support from the
WIU Performing Arts Society and the WIU School of Music.

This year's featured composer/performer is Marilyn Shrude.
This year's guest performer is John Sampen.
The festival directors are Hong-Da Chin and James Romig.

Since 1988, the annual New Music Festival at Western Illinois University has provided the WIU community the opportunity to hear concerts of recently-composed acoustic and electroacoustic music, curated and performed by WIU faculty and guests. In addition to concerts, the NMF features lectures, panel discussions, masterclasses, workshops, and other interactions between students, faculty, and invited composers that further connect our community to the world of contemporary music.


Marilyn Shrude, guest composer/pianist
John Sampen, guest saxophonist
Julianna Eidle, flute
Eric Ginsberg, clarinet
WIU piano students of Natalie Landowski

Récit (2005) - Marilyn Shrude
- Marilyn Shrude, piano
- Julianna Eidle, flute

Sonnet 3 (2001) - James Romig
- Eric Ginsberg, clarinet

Portraits (2001) - Marilyn Shrude
*** please hold applause until all thirteen movements have been heard ***
Bingham: Fur Traders Descending into Missouri
Pollock: Autumn Rhythm: Number 30, 1950
- Christian Gonzales, piano

Renoir: La Moulin de la Galette
van Eyck: Wedding Portrait
- Sarah Stinemates, piano

Rembrandt: Christ Preaching
Picasso: Three Musicians
- Gabriel Zahnle, piano

Miro: Composition
Louis: Blue Veil
- Grant Hibbeler, piano

Klee: Twittering Machine
Kandinsky: Sketch I for Composition VII
- Jake Van Buren, piano

Durer: St. Jerome dans sa cellule
- Mattias Luitjens, piano

Cotan: Quince, Cabbage, Melon, and Cucumber
Cole: The Oxbow
- Nicolo Paulo Echague, piano

The Dimmest Light (2024) - Hong-Da Chin
- Eric Ginsberg, clarinet in A
*** premiere performance ***

The Postcard Pieces
Gaze (2021) - Shulamit Ran
Mirrorrim, for any two instruments (1994) - Pauline Oliveros
... ein SAPPHO FRAGMENT (1999) - György Kurtág
Postcard from Kansas: Welcome to Interstate 70 (1997) - William Albright
Continuum – Postscript ’97 (1997) - Marilyn Shrude
- Marilyn Shrude, piano
- John Sampen, saxophone

Related Web Site: NMF 2025
Contact Information:
 Joanie Herbert
 Phone: 309-298-1843
Source: School of Music

Western Illinois University
1 University Circle * Macomb, IL 61455
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