University Technology
Status Dashboard
Updates on unexpected interruptions or outages will be posted below. Note that STARS and WIUP are offline for maintenance every night from midnight to 3:00 a.m, and some Sundays between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Other systems may be offline between 9:00 p.m. Friday and 6:00 a.m. Saturday for scheduled server maintenance. Routine maintenance outside of these windows are posted to our Facebook and Twitter feeds.
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Thursday, February 27, 2025
Disruption Resolution - WIU-QC Network Outage Resolved (11:20am)
The WIU-QC campus network issue has been resolved. If you have any lingering issues after restarting your workstation, please reach out to the uTech Support Center at Thank you for your patience today.
- Date/Time: Feb. 27, 11:10am
- Impact: Access to internet and network systems and services should be available per usual to WIU-QC students and employees.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Update - WIU-QC network outage (9:11am)
The QC network has been restored. We are still working to restore the QC Voicemail system.
- Date/Time: February 27th, 7:00 a.m.
- Impact: QC Campus
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Notice - WIU-QC network outage (7:44am)
The Quad Cities campus is currently experiencing an intermittent network outage. Access to the internet, network-based systems, and services may not be available. Technicians are aware and are troubleshooting.
- Date/Time: February 27th, 7:00 a.m.
- Impact: users may be unable to connect to internet or network connected services
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Disruption Notice - Issues placing outgoing calls to Verizon numbers (6:54pm)
McDonough Telephone has informed us that there are issues with campus phones making outgoing calls to Verizon numbers. This is believed to be due to a fiber cut in the St. Louis area. We have no estimated time to restoration at this time, but it appears that the location of the damage has been located and repair crews are on site.
- Date/Time: Feb. 16, 6:45pm
- Impact: Users may be unable to place outgoing phone calls to Verizon or related phone numbers
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Friday, January 31, 2025
Disruption Resolution - WIU--Open network issue (9:40am)
We found and fixed the issue with WIU-Open. If you are still experiencing issues with that wireless network please reach out to our Support Center.
- Date/Time: January 31, 2025 9:39am
- Impact: Both WIU Campuses
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Notice - WIU--Open network issue (8:39am)
University Technology is aware of an issue with wireless network WIU-Open. We are actively looking into the issue and will update with more information when available.
- Date/Time: January 31, 2025 8:00am
- Impact: Both WIU campuses.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Thursday, January 02, 2025
Disruption Update - Dec. 28 Power Outage Impact on Phone Systems (9:19am)
On Saturday, Dec. 28 a power outage affected the WIU-Macomb campus and impacted the analog phone systems. We believe that most phone lines have been restored; if you are aware of any campus phone systems that are having issues placing or receiving calls, please email with details so that we can investigate further. Thank you for your assistance.
- Date/Time: Dec. 28, ~3:00 pm
- Impact: Users of Norstar/Meridian analog phones be able to properly place and receive phone calls; if they cannot, please contact with your phone number.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Disruption Resolution - Phone systems stabilized (4:18pm)
Norstar/Meridian analog phone service has been restored at this time. If you have any lingering issues, please contact us at with details.
- Date/Time: December 11, 4:10pm
- Impact: Users of Norstar/Meridian analog phones should now be able to properly place and receive phone calls.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Update - Sporadic phone issues impacting some Macomb buildings (2:23pm)
We are aware that some Norstar/Meridian analog phone systems are continuing to have issues placing/receiving calls. Notably in Beu Health Center, the University Union, Brown, Brophy and Horrabin Halls. Technicians are troubleshooting.
- Date/Time: December 11, approx. 1:45pm
- Impact: Users of analog telephones in certain areas of campus may experience an inability to place/receive phone calls. Issues are sporadic and not impacting all phones in the same buildings.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Disruption Resolution - Phone issues resolved (4:09pm)
All issues with the Norstar/Meridian analog campus phone system have been resolved. If you’re still experiencing problems, please contact the uTech Support Center at with details. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to address this issue.
- Date/Time: December 10, 3:50pm
- Impact: Users of the Norstar/Meridian phones should all be able to properly place/receive phone calls.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Update - Phone system update: many phones should be working (10:11am)
Many Norstar/Meridian analog phones are working, and calls should now go through. If your phone isn't working yet, please wait for another update as we continue to fix the issue. Thank you for your patience!
- Date/Time: Dec. 10, 10:00 am
- Impact: Phone systems are starting to come back up; some users of analog phones should start being able to place/receive calls.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Update - Phone system update (9:32am)
We are continuing to troubleshoot the issues with Norstar/Meridian (analog) phone lines. VoIP systems remain operational. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this.
- Date/Time: December 9, 3:15am
- Impact: Users of analog phone systems are unable to place/receive phone calls
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Monday, December 09, 2024
Disruption Update - uTech Support Center temporarily relocating to Morgan 122; update on phone system outage (3:35pm)
1) Stipes Hall remains without power, and it’s likely this outage will persist for some time. The uTech Support Center location in Stipes 121 is currently closed due to the outage. Walk-in support and computer repair is available, but it will be limited and offered from Morgan Hall 122 for the time being. Instructors needing to process final exam test scoring are encouraged to visit Morgan Hall 122 as well; 2) While VoIP phone systems are functioning normally, the Norstar/Meridian (analog) phone lines are still down. Unfortunately, we do not yet have an estimated timeline for their restoration.
- Date/Time: December 9, 3:15am
- Impact: Users of analog phone systems are unable to place/receive phone calls; Stipes Hall remains without power
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Update - Power, phone systems update (11:31am)
1) Per Facilities Management, there is still an ongoing issue with a power outage in Brophy, Stipes and the Spencer Rec Center. This will also affect Bayliss and Henninger Halls. Staff is diligently working on the issue; however, it is expected that the outage issue will last the remainder of today; 2) University Technology is continuing to troubleshoot the issue with the analog phone systems
- Date/Time: December 9, 3:15am
- Impact: Users of analog phone systems will be unable to place/receive phone calls. Power outages have impacted network/wireless access in multiple locations across campus.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Update - Information on phone systems (8:41am)
This morning's power outage has disrupted many campus telephone systems. Norstar and analog phone lines are currently unavailable, but VoIP systems should function as expected. Technicians are continuing to work on the issue. Updates will be shared as new information becomes available.
- Date/Time: Dec. 9, 4:30 am
- Impact: Users of non-VoIP phone systems may be unable to place or receive telephone calls.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
Disruption Notice - Power outage impacting multiple systems and services (7:17am)
We are aware of a ongoing electrical issue on the Macomb campus. Stipes Hall, which houses the uTech Support Center, is currently without power. There may be other areas of campus with systems and services that are unavailable (wireless access points, phone systems, etc.) More information will be available as we receive it.
- Date/Time: Monday, December 9th, approx. 4:15am
- Impact: Some individuals may find they are unable to access wireless internet, or use the campus phone systems.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the uTech Support Center at during normal business hours. If outside of normal business hours, please contact
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