University Technology

FAQ on WIU QC Classroom Usage
Dell Desktop usage:
Our Dell Desktops are running on Microsoft Windows 10 and having Microsoft Office 2019 installed. If you are associated with WIU then you can use your ecom username and password to login to them. If you are not associated with WIU then you can find login information located on the teaching podium. Please note that visitor login information is frequently updated.
Laptop usage:
All our audio and video devices are connected to the Dell Desktop in the room. If you need to present something from a laptop, please create a zoom/google meet session on the Room Desktop, and connect to that session from your laptop, mute your laptop speaker and mic, and then share the content from your laptop.
Zoom usage:
The camera(s) and mic(s) in our learning spaces are ONLY connected to the Dell desktop installed in the room. If you plan on using them, you will have to use the desktop for Zoom. You could still use a laptop to present from in zoom using wireless by connecting to the same Zoom Meeting ID as the room desktop, but if you do so make sure you mute your speaker and mic on your laptop, so that there is no feedback.
Additional Information for QC Classroom Zoom Usage
Wireless Internet:
All our rooms are offering Wireless Internet, see this page for more info:
Audio/Video adapters:
WIU does not provide additional Audio/Video adapters. If your laptop is not compatible with our provided Laptop connector then you would need to provide your own adapters.
Current video adaptors: Quad Cities Complex offers VGA and HDMI, Riverfront Hall only offers VGA.
Please note - if you are planning on showing a powerpoint presentation, it is recommended you bring the presentation on a thumb drive.
Power adapters:
Power adapters are the responsibility of the user(s). WIU does not provide any kind of power adapter for your devices.
Wireless presenters/clickers:
WIU equipment is USB capable for outside entities to bring in their own presenters and clickers. WIU does not provide this equipment.
Printing services are reserved for faculty, staff and registered students.
Extension Cords:
WIU does not supply extension cords.
Contact Information:
To contact tech support, use the classroom phone located near the teacher's station. Dial the support center by using the QC Tech Helpdesk button or dial 88324.
Technical Problems:
If there are any technical problems, please use the phone in the room and push the button next to QC Tech Helpdesk to start a support ticket for the problem. Or dial 88324.
If there is any emergency, please use the phone in the room and push the button next to WIU-QC Security and let them know about it or dial 62298.
Contact Information
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