University Technology

Electronic Mail (Email) Policy Information for Retirees and Alumni

The Electronic Mail (Email) Policy states that employees who are separated from the university for any reason, including retirement, will have their email access revoked. Students who leave the university (as graduates or without completion of their degree or other program) will have their email access revoked after two consecutive semesters of non-attendance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I transfer my emails to a personally owned Google account?
  • Will this change affect my ability as a retiree to access privileges such as the library catalog and subscription databases?
    • No, you will continue to be able to access such privileges as before using your ECom username and password. This email policy will not affect access to services such as these.
  • I am a past student but I did not graduate; can I keep my email access?
    • All students will retain email access until they have two consecutive semesters of non-attendance, after which time email access will be revoked.

If you have further questions, please contact us at and we will do our best to assist you.