Library News
DIRECTIONS -- a Newsletter from the WIU Libraries

From the Library Desk (Desde el Escritorio de la Biblioteca) -- Introducing the new Newsletter from the WIU Libraries called DIRECTIONS -- No. 1/August 2022
Food/Drink Restrictions Lifted

Effective immediately, Malpass Library has restored its regular Food & Drink Policy, which allows food and beverage consumption in the building within these guidelines. The policy was suspended upon the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The public is reminded that to sustain these privileges, drinks must be kept away from computers and collections, and all trash must be properly deposited in waste containers.
IDHH highlights early 1900s photograph held by WIU Libraries

The Illinois Digital Heritage Hub (our state's branch of the Digital Public Library of America), has selected an image from WIU's Digital Image Collection to include in its Illinois Highlights blog. Today's (July 12) "Sirius-ly Scorching Dog Days of Summer" entry includes a WIU Libraries-held image of "Men and Women swimming in Lamoine River early 1900s." Congratulations to the library's Archives & Special Collections and RMS-Digitization units for their work in collecting and making such WIU Libraries e-resources available to the state and nation.
Dr. C.T. Vivian Diversity Scholars -- Four New Librarian Positions Open!

The Dr. C.T. Vivian Diversity Scholars Program will resume accepting applications for four (4) new librarian faculty positions at WIU Libraries in September 2022. Please explore this program and consider applying!
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