Limited Federal Tax Forms Available in Malpass Library

Tax forms, both federal and state, are freely available online. Federal forms and instructions can be found at Illinois forms can be found at For those that would like to have them, the Malpass Library also has limited tax forms available. Through the Tax Form Outlet Program, Malpass has the following forms available in the 4th floor Government Information office:
- The 1040 form
- The1040A form The 1040EZ form
Reductions in the Tax Form Outlet Program mean that these are the only federal tax forms delivered to the library; instructions to accompany the forms have not yet arrived, but can be found at the link above. The Illinois Department of Revenue no longer issues Illinois tax forms to academic libraries.
If preferred, one can also order federal forms to be received in the mail at: Or one can order federal forms by phone by calling 1-800-829-3676.
Librarians cannot provide guidance on filling out tax forms, but for information about the availability of forms, contact Government Information at (309) 298-2722.
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