EndNote Workshops at Malpass Libary

EndNote Basic is a bibliographic management software available through the WIU Libraries as part of the Libraries' subscription to Science Citation Index. It can be used to access, update and maintain references to publications; import references from library catalogs, indexes and databases and the Internet; organize and group references by subject or any other system; and create and format references for bibliographies in a variety of styles. It includes a Cite While You Write plug-in for Word that can be used to add references to papers as they are being written.
The WIU Libraries will be offering EndNote Basic Workshops for Faculty and Graduate Students through the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Research (CITR) on February 24 (2:00 PM) and March 9, 2015 (3:00 PM). Advance registration is recommended. To register for the workshops, sign up using the links to the workshops on the CITR Workshop Website.
For more information contact Linda Zellmer,
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