So You Want to Get Happily Married?

Marriage, we are (too) frequently told, is not easy. Okay, we get that. So how does one get happily married? Find out on March 23, 2011 at Noon. In recognition of Women's History Month, WIU Libraries will be screening two short instructional films on the topic of marriage titled, "Are You Ready for Marriage?" from 1950 and "Marriage is a Partnership" from 1951. Afterwards, Heather Richmond and Bill Thompson, neither of whom by the way is married, will lead a discussion of the films. Each film is about 15 minutes long, e.g. only slightly longer than the average marriage. The screening will take place in the Leslie F. Malpass Library, room 180. It is free and open to the public. So if you are thinking of getting married or are married but want to be happily so or if you just want to amuse yourself over lunch, then come to the library on March 23.
These films are from the Prelinger Archives and are available to any with internet access at The collection's goal is to collect and preserve films of historical significance that are not collected elsewhere.
If you have any questions about the film screenings, please contact Tammy Sayles, at 298-3298 or via e-mail at
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